Bachelor weekend drawing to a close...

by RollerDave 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    Got mixed feelings here.

    On the one hand, I missed my Beck desperately, but on the other I actually had a pretty great weekend.

    The China Chef was awesome as ever, truck worked, transporting the scooter went without a hitch.

    The meetup was awesome!

    I guess we had more of the Evil Slave than usual, cuz seating was at a premium, good thing I brought my own! I also brought Gopher and my daughter Angie (who means to post here but never seems to get around to it) with me in the ApostaTruck.

    I'm sure you all remember my proclamation that the Reuben is henceforth the King of Sandwiches, well good ol' Reuben was on top of his lil' sandwich game Saturday!

    It was loud, with all of us yakking, and I wound up chatting mostly with Gopher, and Cold Red Rain, who is a very engaging fellow I must say.

    Most of them cleared out after a bit, but we hung out and had more sandwiches and coffee.

    Then we dropped off Cold Red Rain with the Apostatruck and headed back to my place (The Point)

    Back at The Point, Gopher didn't bug out immediately, instead we came up and watched some ELO related stuff on PooTube (youtube).

    I got to talk to Awake & Watching on the phone for a few minutes, that was fun!

    Oh, the beers were ICE COLD and ELO was stomping.

    Ok, so it wasn't Sutter Home white Zinfandel, beer is still very good. Even light beer.

    Then, after a bit, I put the ELO ZOOM DVD in the LG home theater, turned the lights down, and the 1500 watt sound system up.

    Kept thinking how much fun it would have been to have my Becky there, and talked to her on the phone a few times.

    Then, like after 1AM or something, Gopher heads out, and I start getting all poetical and stuff. I think I wrote at least two poems about Beck, I fell asleep writing stuff in bed cuz it was lonely and there was no other way to deal.

    So today it's tail wagging time, or maybe cleaning up this disaster area before BeckyBabe comes rolling in. I sure hope she had fun, I'm sure she did.

    What with the pool, jacuzzi, restaurants, little shops, sights to see, and whatnot, I am positive she had a GREAT time, and I know she missed me just as much, It will be great bringing each other up to speed.

    Well, folks, I got a hell of a mess to clean up, I better get working, no job ever gets done until it gets started. Diligence is keeping your hands moving until the job is done so Here I go.



    RollerDave - I drank a glass of white zin for you, great talking to you and Gopher on the phone. I loved the "big hello" from all of you evil apostates.

    Now get that mess cleaned up and start wagging that tail!

  • RollerDave


    Still not back!

    Soon, hoping very soon....


  • Gopher

    A good time was had by all !!

    Tell Beck we all missed her this weekend!


    W e l l . . .

    Did Beck make it back or are you still sitting in front of the door wagging your tail?

  • RollerDave


    Beck returned, tho a little late.

    When she got back, I might have been a little otherwise occupied....

    Go figure.


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