How do you know...

by coolhandluke 31 Replies latest social relationships

  • bitemeWT

    (((((CHL))))) I'm so sorry.

  • bitemeWT

    "About the cheating thing...I don't know. I have three kids and I know I went through periods where I didn't want to be touched. But it was usually right after having a baby and I was burnt out. I was also depressed. There could be other explanations as well...But you are only one who has the whole picture before you, so I don't want to say either yes she is or no she isn't...."

    This is very true.

    I have three kids also. Women go thru so many hormonal changes through out thier lives... there could be a lot reasons for not wanting to be touched.

    I remember breast feeding kinda screwed with my head a little... It's a little strange to have the heat of passion interupted by a hungry baby.

  • coolhandluke

    thanks for the replies. it really doesnt matter what she does now or who she is with. you were right tim, the thing is that the connection is gone and has been gone for a little while. i tried to repair it and by her own admission she is no good at communicating, so the conection is goine and there is no desire on her part to repair it.

    now its school, work, my investing and trying my best to be healthy and not wallow. i'll be fine and in many ways i learned a lot about what i should tolerate and what i need

    "an honorable man knows when to walk away and accepts nothing less than what he deserves" ~ grey's anatomy.

  • JK666


    I am sorry that you are having to go through this crap. I wish that I could give you some insight, but I have none.

    Hang in there, bro!


  • coolhandluke

    thanks for the support though. i appreciate it

  • delilah
    now its school, work, my investing and trying my best to be healthy and not wallow. i'll be fine and in many ways i learned a lot about what i should tolerate and what i need

    Even though it may be rough, focus on yourself now. What YOU want. What YOU need. You sound like you did everything you could, but she was emotionally detached. She's lost a good man. Sucks to be her!!

    I too, was thinking though, that she may be going through a depression?! But even so, you don't treat someone you care about like this. She owed it to you, to let you know what was going on...even if it hurts. You deserve better.

    It will get better....a day at a time. (((((((((((((((((((( CHL )))))))))))))))))))

  • GoingGoingGone


    Just wanted to give you a cyber-hug. I'm sorry for your situation. We still love you.


  • purplesofa

    Things will get better soon, I promise


  • Nowman

    I don't know your situation very well, so I will go with my instinct. Sounds like she is making a bunch of excuses not to have a relationship with you anymore, her mentioning all the things wrong with herself as to why she cannot be with you, sounds to me like a bunch of BS. Sorry, I am woman who has three children of my own. I was divorced with two of them 8 years ago, the realtionship did not work because I was not attracted to him anymore. I wanted out of the marriage, I could not see myself staying with someone that I was repulsed by in bed, sorry for my bluntness. My point is, this was the honest truth. Yet, at the time, I was afraid of hurting my ex-husband so I gave him false hope by words I chose to sugar coat things, but all it did was make it harder.

    As for the child support, just because the ex lives with someone else, or has remarried, does not mean child support will be reduced. Child support does get reduced, but its so costly to fight it out, plus I believe in peace, working together to raise the kids while divorced, it can happen correctly so that the kids have a good childhood, this is the best way to be, as long as two people can be fair.

    Sounds to me like you can find a much better, stable woman, who is HONEST.


  • coolhandluke

    agreed nowman. thanks

    i don't know if she's repulsed by me. i don't know if im unattractive to her all of a sudden. maybe i fart in my sleep or snore really loudly. i dont know. it doesnt matter.

    purps and GGG? thanks for the hugs. i need em

    I too, was thinking though, that she may be going through a depression?! But even so, you don't treat someone you care about like this.

    agreed. one day at a time. i hope to look back and have said that i did what i could.

    like the spartan said to the hunchback after he betrayed him, "may you live forever"

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