-A quick thought on birthdays.

by Awakened07 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    It's not what I think...or what God thinks....it's what the governing body thinks. So there!

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh god I hate JW funerals, its like a sales pitch to all the non-JW's there, like one of those Time Share presentations! and oh yeah so and so died.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Oh god I hate JW funerals, its like a sales pitch to all the non-JW's there, like one of those Time Share presentations! and oh yeah so and so died.

    That's it exactly!! I can't tell you how many times I heard at a JW funeral "that was a really good witness to so and so" (non JW in attendance). It's a funeral not a recruitment session! BB

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I once told an evil, worldly person that the bible only mentions 3 (or 4) birthdays. He said what about at Jesus Birth

    hummmm.............. "The angels were crying out in joy".

    I wrote the society about this and Job's children BDs as well. They said to wait, a QFRs would address the issue. Less than a month later the article highlighted that MATURE christians would not participate. I have celebrated my child's birthday ever since the article. (8 years ago, I think)

  • WTWizard

    The specious reason why they do not celebrate birthdays is that there are only two incidents where they acknowledge birthdays being celebrated in the Bible and both ended in some innocent person getting killed. What they don't mention is that Job's children celebrated their birthdays and did not have anyone killed. Nor did the angels in heaven kill anyone innocent when they celebrated Jesus' birthday (Luke 2:10-14). So they have the non-sequitor that, if the only two birthdays they count as in the Bible ended up in a murder, that all birthdays are equivalent to murder. Funny thing, I celebrated a few birthdays when growing up and never had anyone killed as part of it.

    The real reason is that would be a day off. Take a day off, and you are apt to find reasons to not go back. You will feel a measure of freedom if you take a day off, and want more. Further, while you are off, you are "murdering" others by not going to their doors with the message of "salvation". And the money you spend on the party is money that will not go into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund box in the Kingdumb Hell. Plus, you might commit fornication (though I cannot see how that could happen if the opportunities never come up) or do something else that is "wrong". So, they just say you can't do it at all.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Princess's Random Thoughts on this topic:

    When we were kids, my parents always made a huge fuss about their wedding anniversary and the whole family got involved and we all got gifts etc. A lot of JW families I knew did that! As a child, I used to tell people who were sad for us dub kids that it was ok that we did not get christmas and birthday gifts because we got them at anniversary time!

    As far as I am concerned, if I am allowed to celebrate the day I got married as a super important date in my life, then I definitly am gonna celebrate my own birthday, and dammit, my kid's birthdays too - those rank up there with my wedding day in terms of importance, or maybe they are even higher on the scale of important dates in my life!

    As far as funerals - I don't think I have ever been to a JW funeral where the dead person was eulogised - there was always a very brief comment on the persons character (mostly that they were a good JW) and then onto the preach session. My mom even used to take tracts along to give to non dubs at the service. And I dont know if it is a dub thing, but they always seem to be called memorial services or something?


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