Value your XJW buddies....even the online ones.

by avishai 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    There's this guy i've been corresponding with for a couple years. I was finally supposed to meet up with him @ the burning man fest this year. Our paths did'nt cross, though we tried to find each other. Just found out he died a few days ago...

    I love each and every one of you courageous, strong, beautiful people. Just had to get that out there.

  • purplesofa

    im sorry

    I corresponded with a jw for a long time, exchanging jokes mostly. for a few years. one day i got an email that he had died. his family wrote everyone on his email list and told us that he had been in a fatal car crash.

    i have kept alot of his mail in my email account so i have something to remind me of him

    so i do know what you mean. I dont get close to people online unless we can back it up with physical phone numbers and addresses so we dont lose touch.

    sorry again for your loss


  • AudeSapere

    Was it someone from JWD?

  • avishai

    Not that I know of, I knew him on

  • cyd0099


    Sorry to hear about that, it's always rough to lose somebody, even if through the internet.

  • nvrgnbk

    Sorry about that, avi.

    A friend of mine from back in the day just died, 39, cancer.

    We really do have to appreciate one another in the moment.

  • wanderlustguy

    There's really no way to measure the value of having a group of people that share such a life defining experience as changing/losing your religion. Especially one that takes away so much and changes everything about you.

    I don't think there has been a single person I know or know of from the forum who has left us and not caused me to grieve for a few days at least. It is strange to me sometimes, and to people close to me, how I can care so much for people I never met.

    You had to be there, I guess.

  • JK666

    Sorry about the loss of your friend!


  • The-Borg

    love you too bro, sorry for your loss

  • BabaYaga

    So sorry, Hon.

    Whose design was this, anyway? This fragile container with a mind that wants more... hrrrumph.

    (...oh, yes, and we love you too.)


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