Statements - Opinions Please!!!

by IMHO 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • IMHO

    If one makes a statement that someone else thinks is 'overly critical'. Are they saying the statement is 'overly critical'? Or are they saying YOU are 'overly critical'? Or both?

  • erynw

    I think it's the statement. But, I also think that a person's statements are made based on that person's experience with whatever they are commenting on so the person making the statement that something is "overly critical" may have had a different personal experience. So I would try not to take it personal.

  • jaguarbass

    It's like when they say god doesnt hate the sinner he hates the sin.

    But who ends up in Hell?

    The sinner.

  • nvrgnbk
    Are they saying the statement is 'overly critical'?


    Or are they saying YOU are 'overly critical'?

    Could be.

    Or both?


  • IMHO

    If they say the statement is 'overly critical' and you made it. Then surely, assuming you're not quoting somebody they are saying that YOU are 'overly critical' for making such a statement. If you said "You look like you've lost weight"; no doubt the person would think or say; "you're so kind"; they wouldn't say; "you're statement was so kind"

  • nvrgnbk

    I get your point IMHO.

    It would be a rare individual that would make a distinction between the statement and the one making the statement.

    As a general rule, what you've stated is true.

  • oompa

    I think this is the most ridiculous, stupid, and poorly thought out post I have ever seen.


  • RollerDave

    I'm with ya there, Oompa.

    But I'll take a stab at it anyway.

    Anybody can have a bad day or say things they don't really mean, or mis-state something.

    Sometimes emphasis that was intended is totally missed by the listener, and emphasis that was never intended is read into the statement instead.

    I would say that if the statement is critical, that's pretty self explanatory, but I wouldn't call the person themselves critical unless it was a major part of their persona. Something that defines them per se.

    I suppose its even possible a person could be a 'critical person' on one subhect, and not on another.

    Having wrung all of the context possible out of what Oompa aptly decribed as a useless topic, I will depart.



  • IP_SEC

    I find this topic very interesting. Your question is very thought provoking IMHO.

    There are 3 versions of everyone.

    1. There is who YOU really are
    2. The historical YOU
    3. The mythological YOU

    Only YOU can know the real YOU. Everyone else can only know the historical and or mythological YOU. The only way they can know that YOU is by what YOU do and SAY.

    If they think what YOU have said is overly critical (or anything else for that matter) then their version of the historical YOU is that YOU are overly critical. Now they might not consciously parse the data that way... but that is what they are saying.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Since this is a pretty open question, I will approach it from the pov of an anonymous internet poster...

    Most of us are here with one thing in common. The JW thing. We either left, are still a part of it, etc... (if you came here to trade Martha Stewart recipes.... OOPS! wrong site...)

    Here is the problem: It is impossible for any of us to really know the person behind the keyboard. Sure, there are things you can glean from a persons opinion, their personallity, etc, by how they write. But I think it a mistake to read to much into any posts, esp if they are critical...

    I will be the first to admit that I don't like being disagreed with. I generally have my reasons why I feel the way I do, and I acknowledge that those who disagree feel the same... I also enjoy deconstructing what I consider to be points of view I find lacking. For what this is worth, I hope everyone knows and understands that these aren't personal attacks. I lack the talent of blending sarcasm with my strong points of view and making it funny... (which is my goal most of the time...)

    I don't see why a person being known as critical is a bad thing... If that is you, own it! I am critical of many things, and I make no apologies for it. Should any of us assume that because a person might be critical, that they must also be mean spirited? Thoughtless? Sad? Disgruntled? Uncapable of love? I mean, from the comfort of our computer screens, we can assume whatever we want, based on our own lens of life that our unique experiences have given us....

    I am critical of many things. And I believe that as a work in progress, I have many things that should be criticized. If any of us feel that as a person we are a finished product, or that we have reached the apex of our thoughts and views, we won't grow. So imo, while I will argue a point, I am open to logic, facts, etc.... And even if I have a viewpoint, that doens't mean I am married to it. (the one exception might be if you saw Jesus... last week... or something like that... We can talk, you can try to tell me, and I will.... oh never mind, you get the idea... I probably won't believe you... Then after a flame war, we will go back to our lives, wondering why the other person is so lost... We humans sure are funny, aren't we.....)

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