Who do JWs believe will be resurrected?

by M.J. 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.

    I've heard opinions on the matter ranging from the vast majority of humanity who is dead before the Big A, to the viewpoint that there will be a very selective and exclusive resurrection.

    What is the current WTS teaching on the matter?

    Is it only small number of of people who directly and "actively opposed Jehovah", thus committing the "unforgivable sin" who will not be resurrected? In other words, you're basically "in" unless you REALLY screw things up? As long as you die before the Big A, that is.

    There seems to be varying viewpoints among JWs I've talked to.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The basic teaching is that most of mankind [I think they make this intentionally vague in the publications] who die previous to 'A' will come back. Some who have died in direct opposition to Jehovah in the past will stay dusty. Only Jw's will survive to watch the billions who don't become Jw's be eaten by carrion.

    Of course all this is subject to "New Light" as it issues from Brooklyn daily. The men from Sodom have been judged both ways numerous times.


  • Gopher

    Those who are viewed as opposed to Jehovah and his people have no shot at being resurrected. That includes apostates.

    Other than that, it's a universal second chance at salvation. Most resurrected ones will be SO GRATEFUL to be alive, they'll willingly submit to Jehovah's theocratic arrangement as represented by the Watchtower society that exists to administer heavenly blessings.

    Excuse me, I'm getting sick to my stomach.

  • minimus

    Not: Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gommorrah, Judas, those that impaled Christ (the jewish religious leaders) and anyone that dies at Armageddon.

  • greendawn

    It used to be that anyone that was a JW and DAed or was DFed plus all those that died through Divine judgement such as those that perished in the flood of Noah will never be resurrected.

    In fact Biblically all the dead will be resurrected though some to shame.

  • PinTail

    It is such a sad situation that is created, when the GB of Jehovah's Witness's attempts to speak for Jehovah and Christ Jesus in regards to the resurrection and who will be resurrected.

    The pain and great confusion and hurt that it causes in the minds and hearts of individuals who want to place all" their trust in the god of the bible and his promise that Christ's sacrifice has true redemptive powers, that will create the basis in the near future for Jehovah through his son Christ Jesus to happily" raise up ALL mankind who has ever lived and died, this includes Adam and Eve, for Christ died once for ALL mankind, he is our redeemer (one who buys back), he has bought back what Adam had lost namely the right to life, Christ has taken his place and even redeemed Adam. No where does the bible say that Adam will not be resurrected by means of Christ ransom! It is only Jehovah's Witness's theology that insists that Adam does not fall under the protective and redemptive power of Christ's dear blood provided by Jehovah himself, Jehovah loved Adam so much that he even provided skins for both him and mother Eve,) remember "Jehovah so loved the world of mankind that he gave his only begotten son in order that everyone exercising faith in him will not die everlastingly.

    To know and understand Jehovah is love him.


  • erandir
    Some who have died in direct opposition to Jehovah in the past will stay dusty. Only Jw's will survive to watch the billions who don't become Jw's be eaten by carrion.
    Not: Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gommorrah, Judas, those that impaled Christ (the jewish religious leaders) and anyone that dies at Armageddon.

    These are a couple good quotes representing the official view of the Society at the moment. However, there are many of the rank & file and even elders who disagree, albeit secretly or in closed circles. There is no way to know for sure who won't get resurrected and who will. Assuming the resurrection is a sure thing for some and not going to happen for others is folly. After all, there's that scripture, Zephaniah 2:3, that says "probably" you will be saved in the day of Jehovah.

    Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably YOU may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.

    So I imagine if the society can't be sure about who will be resurrected, then they cannot be sure of who won't. It is debated in some circles as to whether or not the new information concerning Judas is valid or not. The argument goes that he betrayed Jesus, so he won't be resurrected. Others say he was so remorseful, even repentant, that he killed himself. (Apparently by hanging himself and then having his rope break so that he fell and burst his guts all over some field somewhere, but that's another topic about bible contradiction.)

  • OnTheWayOut

    Minimus and AK-Jeff call it right. Those around today- the teaching is vague because they want
    JW's to think their dead relatives can get a resurrection and students to be taught that the dead
    relatives can be resurrected, BUT YOU (the living) CANNOT because you decided not to learn the truth.

    So without making any real sense of it, they have people believing there's a good chance for their
    dead relatives and a poor chance for anyone else who didn't pick up their WT literature and learn the truth.

    They also want old JW's to think that it is necessary to stay active to the end, so it's kind of difficult
    to get a resurrection.

    If I created more confusion by posting, remember who we are talking about. They are able to carry
    both thoughts at the same time- big resurrection of many / small resurrection of few.

  • M.J.

    "Others say he was so remorseful, even repentant, that he killed himself."

    This brings up another thought. Can those who commit suicide receive a resurrection? They do not assert that suicide somehow forfeits one's chances?

  • M.J.

    Whups, I killed the thread I guess.

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