Muslim Foot Washing Basin Controversy In Indianapolis!

by AK - Jeff 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek


    as if Muslims have never ever ever fomented hatred against any other infidels belief system in the world... right?

    Well, to the best of my knowledge the taxi drivers at Indianapolis airport never did.


    And yes this is like the Witnesses saying that the school needs to designate a room and teacher to care for Witness kids during times that the school is celebrating a holiday, birthday, pep ralley or saying the pledge.

    I'd have thought you'd take the JWs' side on that. They're not the ones wanting to be allowed to express their ideologies in a state-run institution. Those who celebrate holidays and birthdays and swear loyalty to a piece of cloth are the ones involved in the sort of activities you seem to want outlawed. Of course they are in the majority but then so are Muslim taxi drivers at Indianapolis airport.

    By the way most airports do have designated smoking areas (since a majority of cities now have smoking bans) but they are NOT dictates of a religion.

    I am a firm and vocal believer in the idea that religious beliefs and practices deserve no more respect than any other sort. But neither do they deserve less. Enough people who visit airports want to inhale nicotine-laced smoke that it's sensible and helpful for airports to provide facilities for them to do this. Similarly, enough taxi drivers want to ritually wash their feet that it is appropriate to enable them to do so comfortably and safely.

  • hamsterbait

    Workers in Glasgow, UK , were told not to bring in packed lunches during Ramadan, as it might offend the fasting Muslims in the office.

    I know personally a couple who went to work in Saudi. first time they take their sons shopping they saw a crane in the town square, with a guy being prodded forward. They ran realising there was about to be a public execution, and they did not want their 6 and 8 year old to see it.

    Christmas - within half an hour of putting up a tree, the religious police arrived and pointed out this is a muslim country and it is offensive.

    Did they go to court over what they did at home that harmed nobody? Of course not there is no legal protection in Islamic countries for minorities. Another way in which western values are becoming ever more superior. So there.

    Not long after they left there was a fire in the night at a girls boarding school. The religious police locked the doors to prevent girls still in night dresses escaping. Many died, some being thrown back inside through windows.

    If this disrespect were shown in a western country, these are the same bigots who chase our own citizens through the courts using our own laws against them.

    One woman had a court order against her to stop her keeping her collection of piggie banks in her own front parlor, because Muslims on the way to mosque had been offended.

    Well I AM OFFENDED. But who cares, I am just a westerner.


  • yknot

    Okay Funky D

    I will meet you half way. How about the cabbies get together and rent Airport retail space and designate it for this purpose. Have little footbaths, music, rugs...etc. This way there can be no claim to "special" treatment of one religion over another. The airport doesn't have to deal with it and they make some $$$.

    Patiently waiting yor response, may God's peace be upon you.


  • marmot

    I've got the perfect solution for all of this, in fact it should be added to the constitution:

    "You get freedom of religion in that you have the freedom to believe whatever the crap you want as long as it does not A) actively harm or encourage harm of anybody else and B) you do not press your religious views and sensibilities on others. Belief is personal, special accommodations for your beliefs are no longer personal since they involve others."

  • funkyderek


    I will meet you half way. How about the cabbies get together and rent Airport retail space and designate it for this purpose. Have little footbaths, music, rugs...etc. This way there can be no claim to "special" treatment of one religion over another. The airport doesn't have to deal with it and they make some $$$.

    I'm with you there. In fact, government really doesn't need to be involved in this sort of thing at all. It's a free market issue. There is demand for a service. Someone who wishes to supply such a service can probably make some money from it. (If not, then there's obviously not really a demand). Non-Muslims shouldn't have to pay for facilities used only by Muslims and non-smokers shouldn't have to pay for facilities used only by smokers.

    This goes back to what I wrote in my first post:

    (I find it amazing how many controversial issues can be easily resolved by getting people to pay for the services they want to use.)

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