What is the most UNFULFILLED prophecy inthe bible

by sleepy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    The" Creator book "helps us to see how many of the bibles predictions came true.
    For instance on pg 106 we find,
    "Consider this point. Isaiah wrote about Babylons final situation:Babylon the decoration of kingdoms, the beauty of the pride of the Chaldeans, must become as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.She will never be inhabited, nor will she reside for generation after generation".(Isaiah 13:19, 20;chapter 47)How did things actually work out?"

    Before we consider the how the prophecy worked out we must fist mention that the society dates the book of Isaiah to 732BCE.

    The book goes on to say,
    "Some 200 years later , Babylon was still a populas city,but it did not remain so for much longer."
    "By the third centuary CE , the historian Dio Cassius described a visitor to Babylon as finding nothing but "mounds and ruins."

    Yes the prophecy came true.1000 years later.
    Yes I'll say that again 1000 years later.

    What an amazing prophecy, God uses Isaiah to fortell that the city of Babylon would become uninhabited in 1000 years time.
    Am I missing something here? There are probably thousands of ancient towns and cities that like Babylon are no longer in existance. Many were great cites of mighty empires like in Eygpt or south America.
    How does it show divine insight to say this city will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, and will never be inhabited, and then for it to be inhabited for 1000 years?
    If the prophecy actually said this would happen in 1000 years then fair enought.
    But the prophecy makes it sound like it was going to happen soon.
    On the basis of this prophecy and other like them many people place their trust in the Bible.

    Are there any prophecies in the bible that can deffinaitly be shown to have come true?

    Oh yeh , theres the one about the faithful and discrete slave that only the faithful and discrete slave can understand and that shows that the fathful and discrete slave is the faithful and discrete slave of bible prophecy

  • ChuckD

    In my dub days, I had never gotten a good answer to that question myself. All of the examples that were given were all so vague and/or convoluted that they didn't make sense to me even then, much less so now.

  • openminded

    This is GREAT topic. I am sincerely interested in seeing some solid proof.

    Have you all ever seen Mike Myers do the "Linda Richmond" schtik on Saurday Night Live? I always though it would be funny if he said, "Ill give you a topic, 'The Faithful and Discreet Slave is neither faithful or discreet', now discuss amungst yourselves"

    Im getting Veclempt!

  • Moxy

    when this prophecy is discussed, it is usually noted that other ancient cities are still here today like rome, athens or jerusalem (there arent many) so that it is unusual that great cities like babylon and ninevah (about which a similar prophecy is made) are now gone. of course, it must also be noted that when the term 'inhabited' is used, there is a caveat. the city IS inhabited, but it is not a vibrant, inhabited city like before. lots of leeway on this prophecy of course.

    this reminds me of another urban legend, that saddam hussein had plans to rebuild babylon that were foiled by the gulf war.

  • sleepy

    I've just read in a book about Mesopotamia that Babylon was still populated untill 636 CE thats 1300 years after Isaiahs Prophecy.
    So much for not being inhabited.

  • rhett

    Isn't that area currently populated. So much for that "never again part.........

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • RunningMan

    OK, here's one that proves the bible's infallibility once and for all.

    Ezekiel 29:12 to Ezekiel chapter 30. Jehovah prophesies that Nebuchadnezzar
    will destroy and desolate Egypt. Egypt's desolation is described in intricate detail.

    Oops, I guess this one was wrong, too.

  • sleepy

    I've just changed the title of this post as I didn't have time to write a new one.

    So what is the most unfufilled prophecy or the one with the biggest twists to prove fulfillment in the bible?

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    Evidently the most unfulfilled prophecy was the coming of the Messiah for Israel. It took the book of Hebrews to try to convince the Jewish that the "Messiah" they got was actually what Jeho-bah had promised in the Old Testament.

    The second most unfulfilled prophecy is the Second Coming of Christ. Many ex-JW scorn the WT teaching that the "last days" started counting in 1914. Apparently it makes more sense to them that the "last days" have been running for 2000 years ...


  • metatron

    Unfufilled prophecy? Try most of Ezekiel!

    Ezekiel was giving hope to Jews in exile in Babylon.

    He predicted a dead sea full of fish, a specific new temple
    in a different location with a river running thru it and an
    attack by Gog, among other things. The Jews went back but
    nothing else was fufilled. Anicient Rabbis used to puzzle
    over this, which means they couldn't explain it away.
    The stuff just didn't happen.


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