Luke 22:36

by greenhornet 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • greenhornet

    I learn something new every Day. I still visit a few of my true non conditional friends. They don't even go anymore to the KH meetings. But they still have a high regard and will defend the "lie". So one day the conversation was about self defense. I told both my Friends I legally carry a fire arm for my protection. I said you need to also your not in any shape to stop and attacker anymore cause of your health. He said right away Christians can't carry guns and so on. (I know the story when I was a JW from the 50s) So I just let it go. Then I came across a Bible scripture of Luke 22:36. I read it in a real Bible not the fake green bible and it seems to support buying a sword for self defence. The problem is when I was a good JW I never heard of this passage. JWs just read the same old scripture just to support there own beliefs. I do not have my old NWT bible any more I shot it full of holes with the rest of my books. (that an other story I told) so what does the green bible say on that matter and how does the watchtower spin that scripture? Thanks

  • tula

    I think Jesus gave example of how violence and weapons do not solve anything when he reattached the ear of the Roman soldier when apostle cut it off with sword to defend Jesus's capture. (When they came to get him in garden of Gethsamane)

  • journey-on

    But that apostle did carry a sword. He used it at the wrong time I guess, but it doesn't negate the fact that

    he did have one on his person while in the company of Jesus. So there was obviously nothing against the

    spiritual rules to carry one.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Luke 22:35

    He also said to them: "When I sent YOU forth without purse and food pouch and sandals, YOU did not want for anything, did YOU?" They said: "No!"

    Luke 22:36

    Then he said to them: "But now let the one that has a purse take it up, likewise also a food pouch; and let the one having no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

  • greendawn

    It is common sense that self defence is a basic human right as long as someone doesn't use weapons to initiate an attack there is nothing wrong with carrying them if the law allows.

  • buffalosrfree

    The society imo would probably want you to throw that green bible at the perpetrators of crime or attack. What a bunch of pansies, turn the other cheek not unless i had to fart. I go armed and at all times have weapons on my person i.e.knives, saps, large pens, and keys. If anyone looking for trouble with me well they are going to find it. I am so sick of the jdubs trying to control every aspect of ones life like they are your masters and yet at the other side of their mouth espousing they aren't our masters. They speak with forked tongue. There isn't any thought process in their midst at all anymore. In fact now (Sept QB) its against their law to even think.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Well, I have to say I think you're onto something.

    The very Fact that they were carrying swords says something about the culture of the day. They were carrying them for self defense. Not long ago, I believe it was around last Christmas, the History channel had something about the Apostles and it was mentioned that yes, they carried knives/swords while travelling especially as they would likely encounter those who would have no problem robbing them.

  • tula

    maybe it was to prove a point that "fishermen" should not carry swords...because they don't know how to use them.

    Maybe he could have cut the guys head off instead of just grazing his ear if he had been trained.

    Actually, what Jesus was saying, about the purse, sandals, and sword...was that he was leaving and would no longer be able to protect and provide.

    Do any of you this where the tower gets the idea that miracles have ceased??? Because of this verse and instruction that we are now on our own?

  • greenhornet

    I guess there is many ways of "spinning" this scripture. I wanted to use it for self defence.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Perhaps this is a regional thing, but I knew many JW's who owned guns. One was even a U.S. Marshal and had to carry his gun in to the Kingdom Hall...because of some crazy US Marshal law. Anyways long story short, I knew it was "frowned" upon but never enforced.

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