Fall Fair: Or Pumpkin and Apple fare :o)

by Sunspot 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Sunspot

    A few miles from our home a Fall Fair is held every year. It is held between an apple orchard and a pumpkin farm next to a Christmas Tree farm.They were having pumpkin tosses, face painting, hay wagon rides, horse and buggy rides, horseback rides, scarecrow building events, apple tasting, wine tasting, cider tasting and events for the little kids to take part in.

    There were adorable Alpacas that were so cute, and a place where sweaters, hats and scarves made from Alpacas could be bought. There were several goats, and a booth where goat cheese and other edible goodies made with goats milk could be had. Did you know that people make SOAP from goats milk? (I didn't!)

    There were fresh doughnuts being made on the spot-----they were just scrumptious! What a difference from the kind you get in a box on the grocery store shelves!

    There are booths of every kind, crafts, needlework, jewelry, country garb, hats of all kinds, maple goodies, jams and jellies, freshly made doughnuts and fried dough (as I mentioned), and many others I know I have forgotten. Live bands perform and the highlight (for me) is the 1/2 roast chicken on an outdoor pit. I sucked down a vanilla and caramel iced coffee in record time (hubby said YUCK when he tasted it!) to wash down my chicken....ahhh...I LOVE Fairs like these!

    They were booking wagon rides to ride over to the apple picking area (boy was THAT bumpy!!!) The huge parking lots (farm fields) were filled really early on, and I was surprised at how many people had come from all over the place! I was chatting with one of the guys getting folks on and off these rides when another guy came up and stared chatting. After he left, the first guy asked me if I knew "who that was"....I didn't. It seems his last name was Shortslef (I think it was Jeff or Josh) and t seems that he is a pitcher for Pittsburg! He was recruited right out of high school and lives right across the road from where this fair was being held!!

    The weather could not have been more perfect---in the 70's and clear with a great blue sky, and when I looked around, all the folks seem to be really enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of upstate New York!

    For a dinky little village in a remote area....I thought it was a pretty impressive little Fair.....and I for one, am all "appled out" and won't be wanting chicken or any doughnuts for a while, either, haha! I'd say it's about time for a nap!

    Anyone else have a hometown fair or a carnival kinda thing that YOU have enjoyed this summer?



  • bluebell

    There is USUALLY a great beer and cider festival in Worcester as part of the Worcester festival - i love it but it was cancelled this year because of the flooding :(

    Glad you had such a great time.

  • Junction-Guy

    I will be going to the Kentucky Apple Festival in less that 2 weeks now, I cant wait.

  • Sunspot

    There is USUALLY a great beer and cider festival in Worcester as part of the Worcester festival - i love it but it was cancelled this year because of the flooding :(

    I have several relatives in Worcester and I have not heard of any flooding! I then realized that YOU are talking about the Worcester across the Pond and I was thinking of Worcester Massachusetts, LOL!

    Sorry to hear of the cancellation for your sake....I hope though that things weren't terribly rough on the folks living there in the area.



  • Sunspot
    I will be going to the Kentucky Apple Festival in less that 2 weeks now, I cant wait.

    Now that I have gotten you all primed and rarin to go----have a great time!! I know *I* have a basket of apples that need to be made into pies, applesauce and apple betty!.....and the Cortlands (my favorite) aren't even ready yet! At the very first PEEP of autumn...I start thinking APPLE EVERYTHING! Yum Yum!



  • annalice

    We have all sorts of apple festivals here in upstate NewYork. Some of our orchards in the area do awsome corn mazes. I love to go and get hot apple cider and a couple of cider donuts one for each hip .LOL. This year we will be bringing our two year old for his very first time and letting him pick out his pumpkin for himself and for his little 6 month old brother. Its so wonderful to be able to do these things now.

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