Elders/friends praise me for my note taking at meetings.

by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    As I faded over the past year, I still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall. Although there in body, I could just not stand to keep listening so I decided to start writing a book. Action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end Islamic extremist terrorism. Anyway, I start usinjg my old but nearly new notepad, and despite my sore ribs from my wifes elbow, I make progress.

    But on Sundays especially, the speakers noticed I was very busy taking notes! And some others in the hall even told me how good in was to see me paying such good attention "when you are here!" I was obviously listening closely, of course when I heard pages flipping or a "please turn with me" I would flip a few pages in my good ol Reference Bible. Now that I think about how I have been perceived, I feel this is the same type of fraud as turning in "phantom" time at the end of the month.

    what else can we fake?...oompa

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    what else can we fake?...oompa


  • eclipse

    lip-synching to kingdom songs, or better yet,

    sing the next line and confuse the ones around you.

    keep your eyes open during the prayer.

    dont say amen.

    pretend to clap.

    big faked smile, faked scripture turning, faked note taking,

    faked singing, faked hours, faked everything until I could fake no more,

    and walked out, and never went back.

  • NewYork44M

    Be careful. You might be accused of paying "too close attention," and that is a sure sign of apostasy.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Hi guy, I was just wondering why are you even going to these meetings if you know that it's non-sensible gibberish

    your just feeding yourself ignorance that you know that your just going to spit out anyways, it seems counter productive

    to your personal well being , maybe it's time to stand up and be an adult and say no thank you, show some integrity for yourself.

    Personally I think your just going there to appease your wife, and again not showing real integrity to her or yourself.

    Why eat food that you know thats going to make you vomit latter.

    Take care and by the way I know of a remedy to fix your eyes.

  • oompa
    Homerovah: Personally I think your just going there to appease your wife, and again not showing real integrity to her or yourself.

    Yes, I love my wife enough to appease her by going once in awhile. I would not question anyones integrity, because I can't really get in their head. While I can still communicate with her friends/family, I think it gives me a much better method to chip away at deeply entrenched thinking. Rome did not fall in a day.

    like your eyes too, mine are real....oompa

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The key to being a successful witnes is pretense. Its all a show. When I was at bethel I would do my bethel bible reading instead of listning to the boring speakers.

  • MadTiger

    Sad, that all the fake BS goes on.

    Now about that book....

  • WTWizard

    I also did a Milli Vanilli to the Kingdumb Sxxx. I got sick of those that you were supposed to shout a word or phrase when I didn't feel like it (if Jehovah really wanted me to sing those parts properly, then He should have not faked out on providing for all my needs. Eventually I just sat there like a dope, not even attempting to sing it.

    Service was like that, too. I would hope for people to not be home or that they would slam the door in our faces (alas, too many people in my territory still wanted to get in long discussions; all I wanted was to have a snafu where we had to cut the day short). Eventually I just did dummy service (pretend street work where I knew I would place nothing).

  • unique1


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