Lol Hubby's gonna get drunk as a skunk...

by dobbie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    and i really don't care!!! His dads coming up and they are having a real ale steam train trip combined with a pub crawl, last time his dad drank 32 pints!!But i realised that this time i'm so free from the wt influence i hope they have a great time, get totally sloshed and can't wait to see them staggering home!

    Just wondering if there's anything you particularly frowned on as a witnit but that doesn't bother you now?

  • nvrgnbk

    32 pints!?

    I feel like such a lightweight!

  • dobbie

    Let's just say he practices his drinking skills most of the day and night on a daily basis lol!

  • Gopher
    Just wondering if there's anything you particularly frowned on as a witnit but that doesn't bother you now?

    Just off the top of my head: Happy hours , worldly association, the theory of evolution, atheism, an occasional curse word.

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Twitch

    32 eh?

    And I thought I was the King doing the "world tour" on all 15 taps at the local tavern

    Ah, good times,....

  • dobbie

    Yep i wonder if 32 pints is some sort of world record lol i think i'd be dead if i drank that much!

  • Priest73

    tell hubby to come over. I just started. gotta handle of bourbon that needs helpppppp...

  • greendawn

    Drinking and feeling merry should have been fine even by the JW understanding that God made wine (alcohol) so that through it humans will rejoice from time to time.

    The problem with drinking so much beer, like 32 pints, regularly is that it can make someone seriously fat. We are talking of over 12 000 calories in 32 pints when a person leading a sedentary life needs only about 2500 calories. All the excess becomes fat. Even 5 pints contain almost 2 000 calories.

  • kwintestal

    UK pints are more watered down the US pints ... if you want some good strong brew you gotta head to Canada!

    Pub crawls are fun! It's been a couple years since I've been to one though, mind you a couple weekends ago I ended up crawling from one to the next due to being kicked out of a few for over intoxication. The next one will always let you in though, for a few minutes anyway.


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