Publishing your own book- made easy!

by serotonin_wraith 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • serotonin_wraith

    Don't see this as an advertisement for, there are many sites that do this kinda thing-


    COST: FREE (Yes! thats right it's free, read more to know how)

    Do you love writing? Can't find a publisher? Here's your answer

    How does it work? lets you submit your writing to their website. You choose what type you want to publish (e.g. Books, e-Books, calendar etc.), you then choose how you woould like to bind the Book. There's no set-up or any fees at all, everything will be shouldered by the buyer which means you don't pay a thing to publish the Books. Also, if nobody orders the Books, you don't lose anything at all.

    How much would your Books cost to buyers?

    Minimum wholesale price = Production cost + Royalty + Lulu Commision (Your royalty)

    To begin, the manufacturing costs of the books depending on how many pages, on what material, binding and cover. These will be the production costs. You then set your own price (how much the price of your book will be) and 20% of your profit would go to So the money left will go straight to you, which is your royalties for each of the books you write.

    Then you get to market your product in Lulu's market place or other market places like


    I think I'll give it a go. Chat about being made to grow up in a cult, and add in my thoughts on other religions in my blunt way. I think there have been many books that put things across nicely, but that doesn't work with everyone. Sometimes being more blunt works better with some, or if not it's the good cop/bad cop routine I'm helping out with.

    I should start it off with something like-

    Chapter One- Satan Made Me Write This

    Satan is making me write this. His dirty paws are all over this book. Honestly. A big invisible dragon (wearing a crown) loose on the Earth has influenced me to write this 'evil apostate' material. If left on your bookshelf it could bring the demons right to you. It's a scary thought. For that reason, many people will immediately hurl this book into the nearest fire. I don't mind that too much, as this copy has already been paid for. But it would be nice if people could keep their fear in check for one brief moment in their life and read what I have to say...

    More people should give this a try, there are many interesting stories and perspectives we could share with each other, and the JWs too if any are brave enough to read the Satanic propoganda!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Go to the LULU site, and do a search for "WATCHTOWER" or for "JEHOVAH." You'll be richly rewarded.

  • NvrKssdNObutt

    I have read both of Ray's books and also "captive of a concept" they are fantastic books but there are so many people out there that need to read at the 5th-7th grade level..... I think a very simple book is in order for such people. I have started one and it is nice to know about lulu as a place to have it published.


    james t

  • t33ap80c

    One of the many great things I like about is that authors can upload changes or revisions in their books at any time and as often as they wish - for free when they are sold from Lulu's website.

    It works differently when books are made available through retail outlets like It is all clearly explained at

    Don Cameron

  • rebel8

    These sorts of services do have their benefits.....and their down sides too.

    I used it for my xjw books because I knew it would have such a small audience and therefore not worth investing my own money.

    I used it for my other books too just because it's impossible to get a "real" publisher whilst competing with a zillion million trillion other "authors". There are even waiting lists for literary agents!

    The thing about the costs...well, it's not all its cracked up to be. Generally I've found the cost + Lulu commission (they don't mention their commission until the end) ends up to be about equal or greater than what the market will bear.

    This is ok if you're just wanting to get yourself heard or are willing to take the gamble that maybe a "real" publisher will find your book and give you a deal. Not too cool if you're expecting to make any money on it.

    The thing about listing it on wish Lulu would be more honest about that.

    Yes you CAN put it on Amazon, but they set their own price based guessed it...what they believe the market will bear.

    And guess what I'm going to say next....the price Amazon sets is LESS than what it costs you to have the books published...and on top of that, you have to sign an agreement that you'll provide books whenever they want, whatever random quantity they want at the moment, without delay.

    I've earned about $20 in the 2 years I've had my 4 books listed on Lulu. Imagine how many hours it took me to write all those books, format them, create cover graphics, register the ISBN, create a bar code, etc.......I have probably earned about one cent an hour for my time & effort.

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