what do you guys think?

by bigdreaux 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    so today i talked to my father, sister, and mother. they all know i have major issues with the org. but, choose not to talk about it. i was telling them that when we come to see them in a few weeks, anna's family has chosen to shun us, even though we aren't df'd. all of them thought it was stupid. my mother said, how can a mother do that to her child? i was kind of shocked by their responses. none of them thought it was right. as i said, they know we don't go to meetings, and do not believe.

    so,my question is, do you think they see the truth about the "truth"? or, are they just choosing not to acknowledge my position?

  • changeling

    I don't know where your family stands on "the truth", but never in a million years could I imagine your mom shunning any of her kids.

    You know what I mean,


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    My mother doesn't shun my brother and I, or our familes. None of us attend meetings anymore and my mother knows where I stand. She didn't shun my brother the two times he was DF'd either. She'll never "see the truth about the truth", but doesn't want to lose her children.


  • AudeSapere

    I think they are choosing to be at least fairly reasonable.

    Still, overall, Cults Suck.


  • exwitless

    Maybe they think it's wrong only b/c they know she isn't actually DF'd (?) Meaning, maybe they still think shunning is OK but only as 'prescribed' by the borg-when someone is DA'd or DF'd.

  • nvrgnbk

    Sounds like you just have a real Mom.

    I'd like to get me one someday.

  • changeling

    Awww nvr! I'll be your mom. Not old enough but I mother everybody.


  • bigdreaux

    on a side note, something humorous has come up. one of her "friends" that is shunning us because we are "bad association" is sleeping with a married man and doing drugs. i thought that was funny.

    thanks for your responses. i think i'm lucky my family chooses not to look at what i'm really doing. the live and let live thing works good for me.

  • bigdreaux

    sorry nvr. i know it must suck. i hope she comes to her senses.

  • worldtraveller

    hey BigD. This shunning thing is really starting to make my hair stand up! My friend tells me that they just don't do that. Unless of course he means he hasn't done it...........yet.

    OK here's the answer to question 1. Regarding shares in a company that supplies weapons for war.........A) I think this must be a different Watchtower Society! I suggested that the name is a registered trademark. Can't be copied.

    Question 2. The Watchtower was a member of The United Nations, even though they condemn associating with anyone but themselves. A) The Watchtower Society wanted access to the largest library in the world.

    I insisted no more literature, but it was ok to discuss faith issues. He seemed reserved..which is good compared to last month. Will keep you posted.

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