The anthem of Demons

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Why is it that EVERYTHING seems to be demonized to a JW? A relative of mine almost broke her neck rushing to turn off the radio when "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" came on. "The anthem of Demons" is what she called it. Her reason? The singer seems to be speaking in tongues she said.

    The way I know it, is that the song's original title was supposed to be "In the Garden of Eden", but the guy was sooo drunk at the time, that he was only able to muster up "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida". Of course I never even bothered to explain this to her ... she's probably find something demonized about the use of the word "Eden" too ...

  • ninja

    I cant read this post're demonised

  • jaguarbass

    I heard the same story that it was originally In the garden of Eden. I dont know if he was drunk or took the artistic liberty of giving the song a phonetic title to play with people heads.

    But, drunk is deffinitely a possiblity.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Fear is an excellent means of control.

  • Twitch

    Demonz ain't so bad; they know how to rock out.

  • nvrgnbk
  • LearningToFly

    I've been told I am demonized so many times by certain family members.. used to bother me.. now I laugh. Now I say, yep, thats me.. me and my bent halo with horns sprouting through.

    Great Simpsons Video NVR.. made me laugh.. hehehehe to funny! Love that song!


  • RollerDave

    My family used to take the song "pressure" by billy joel as a personal attack penned by the devil himself directly to JW's.

    I will admit that the funky screen on the wall is kinda like the WTS, and they do 'have some cosmic rationale'...

    And the freaky stuff going on looks like somebody bought something at a thrift store or garage sale...

    But the level of vehemence with which they reject what they foolishly believe to be associated with 'demons' is laughable.

    Perhaps it's all to keep fear very much alive, so that comparing what we say to 'feasting at the table of demons' will have power.

    I was accused of being demonized, and in the sense of #3 below, they were right.

    de·mon·ize (dm-nz)·mon·ized, de·mon·iz·ing, de·mon·iz·es 1. To turn into or as if into a demon. 2. To possess by or as if by a demon. 3. To represent as evil or diabolic RD

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