Stupid EX Boyfriends

by noni1974 9 Replies latest social relationships

  • noni1974

    Rule number 1 Never Never Never Never Never sleep with an ex boyfriend. No matter how long it's been since you got some.It's just not worth the trouble.Remember they are an EX for a reason.This goes for Ex Girlfriends as well.

    I made the mistake of breaking this rule a couple of weeks ago.He won't stop calling me.He won't stop dropping by unannounced.He just won't stop.He's driving me insane.

    He thinks because I hooked up with him that means were going to start dating again.You would think he would get the message that I don't want to talk to him after he calls and calls and I never pick up the phone and I never returne the calls to him.But no he must still think were going to be together or something because last night while I was driving my Taxi he called the office at the cab company and got rude with the dispatcher when the dispatcher told him I wasn't there.Hello I drive a cab I'm not at the office answering phones.He does this not once, not twice, but three times. Makes me want to go to his house and kick him in his balls.The dispatcher told me about the calls while I was driving.I told him to tell him not to call there anymore.Then I went home and got his number and called him and let hime have it over the phone.I told him not to ever call there again.I asked him what the hell is wrong with him??

    That was after the second and before the third call.He didn't get the message and called again.He's emotionaly upset over something.But I don't give a crap.LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! If I want to talk to someone I know how to make a phone call.Now I'm pissed and I think he may have gotten the message.

    Thank goodness I was smart enough to not give him my cell phone number.

    So how was your day??

  • brinjen

    What is it about ex-boyfriends? (and girlfriends, not picking on you guys) I had one loser ex on my tail for months. I told him it was over, I moved out, I didn't call, I didn't return his calls either or go see him. He didn't get the message. He thought I just needed some space. What part of "I don't love you, it's over, I don't want to see you anymore" don't they get?

    Makes me want to go to his house and kick him in his balls

    Got a pair of steel capped boots?

    *runs to get ahead of the angry mob that's sure to follow*

  • serendipity

    There's a fine line between persistence and stalking. He's crossed the line. Maybe he needs to be reminded stalking is a crime.

  • BrentR

    That is most certainly stalking and ex boyfriends/husbands can be very dangerous. You should be very concerned for your saftey, that is not rational behavior. Let him know that you will be contacting law enforcement if he does not leave you alone.

    At least half the murders that happen around my area are ex boyfriends or husbands. And several of them involved some innocent people also.

  • greendawn

    Perhaps most of the time an ex spells trouble but occasionally an ex couple gets together again for good. In your case you need to be firm and let him know you don't want to go back to a full relationship.

  • ninja

    wait till your next mood swing'll have him round again pronto.....muhahaha.....

  • KW13

    He was probably confused because you got back with him for a night. People can easily get confused and upset over somethin that isn't actually there because while to you it was nothing, he might not of been over you and despite him being an EX-Boyfriend, he was clearly Single and looking for someone to fill your shoes, who better than YOU? You are right though, it isnt worth the trouble.

  • sweetstuff

    Hugs Noni, tell him to stop ASAP. I got to agree with KW though:

    He was probably confused because you got back with him for a night. People can easily get confused and upset over somethin that isn't actually there because while to you it was nothing, he might not of been over you and despite him being an EX-Boyfriend, he was clearly Single and looking for someone to fill your shoes, who better than YOU? You are right though, it isnt worth the trouble

    He probably took you two hooking up as meaning you are back together. Be clear and firm with him, tell him it was just sex to you and that you have no intention of ever getting back together with him. It's only fair you are very clear, chances are he will leave you alone after that. If not, contact the police!!

  • sweetstuff

    Hugs Noni, tell him to stop ASAP. I got to agree with KW though:

    He was probably confused because you got back with him for a night. People can easily get confused and upset over somethin that isn't actually there because while to you it was nothing, he might not of been over you and despite him being an EX-Boyfriend, he was clearly Single and looking for someone to fill your shoes, who better than YOU? You are right though, it isnt worth the trouble

    He probably took you two hooking up as meaning you are back together. Be clear and firm with him, tell him it was just sex to you and that you have no intention of ever getting back together with him. It's only fair you are very clear, chances are he will leave you alone after that. If not, contact the police!!

  • noni1974

    He was an EX from 3 or 4 years ago.We were together for about 6 weeks then.It's not like we were together for years and years.

    I hope I got the message through to him.He hasn't called me since the last time early this morning.

    I broke my own rule.Stupid move on my part.Next time I'll stick to my guns and not break my rules.

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