Idea to attract PUBLICITY to UN story

by Trilobite 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Trilobite

    We seem to be at something of an impasse with the press. Currently, the Guardian seems to have an exclusive. I'd suggest we use that fact to get further publicity for the UN-WTS connection. One way that editors decide if a story is of sufficient interest to warrant follow ups is by the number of letters to the editor that the stories generate. So I suggest that as many of us as possible write to the editor of Guardian Weekly with a copy (cc'd) to the Guardian's editor too.

    Also, send copies to the New York Times, Washington Post, As it Happens (Canadian Broadcast) etc. Nothing irks an editor more than to see a rival getting an exclusive. Also, if the Guardian editors see a huge number of letters it will be good for Stephen Bates too, who is doing a sterling job of getting this story out. If the big US papers publish something then the locals will likely follow.

    The only way this will work is if we all write letters over the next few days so that the editors see a huge spike in interest. If possible, include something that would suggest a follow up article would be desirable, e.g., demand a response from the WTS. The idea is not so much to get the letter published, although some might be if enough are received, as to deluge the editors and thereby demonstrate global interest.

    Be sure to use a provocative subject header in the e-mail subject line: I'm using: Jehovah's Witnesses and the UN: A study in Hypocrisy.

    Here are the addresses and instructions (you can ask to be kept anonymous but they may not publish it).

    The Guardian Weekly: Note the second address's instructions carefully;,3961,210620,00.html Letters to the editor, Notes & Queries and other general editorial correspondence with the Guardian Weekly should be sent to our main e-mail address at
    [email protected]

    But if you are among the many readers around the globe who would like to submit an article for possible publication as a "Letter from..." please send it to the new e-mail address of
    [email protected]

    The Guardian:,6957,180522,00.html

    Want to send a letter? You can email letters to the Guardian ar the following address:
    [email protected], fax them to 0207 837 4530, or post them to:
    19 Farringdon Road,
    London EC1R 3ER

    We do not publish letters where only an email address is supplied; please include a full postal address and a reference to the relevant article. If you do not want your email address published, please say so.

    Here's a preliminary draft of my letter. Appreciate yr thoughts:


    To the Editor;

    I was intrigued by Stephen Bates' excellent article in The Guardian Weekly, following up on previous articles in the Guardian, in which he exposes the hypocritical affiliation between the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York (Jehovah's Witnesses) and the United Nations. As pointed out by Mr. Bates, the Witnesses have denounced the UN, and the League of Nations before it, in apocalyptic terms for over 80 years. Judging by the activity on Witness discussion boards that these article have generated, tens of thousands of Witnesses across the world are asking "Why?" Not just why did the WTS affiliate as an NGO but why did they disaffiliate only two days after the first story in the Guardian? Almost two weeks later the Watchtower remains silent on this issue. Is it possibly because they can find no answer, except, perhaps "Guilty as charged." This silence in the face of worldwide spiritual unrest among the faithful does not bode well for the organization.

    As an large international religion the WTS could accomplish much good for its followers, and others, as a UN affiliate. It is a great pity that the Society has decided to sacrifice this opporunity in favor of a mouldy, somewhat whacky, 1930s interpretation of rather obscure imagery in the Bible book of Revelation.

    However, all may not be lost. The shock to the WTS that this latest revelation has induced also provides an opporunity for much needed reform; The Society must admit its duplicity, and, in a true spirit of Christian repentance commit to serious and open reform starting with its polices on blood, the handling of child abusers within its ranks and its severe disfellowshipping policy. Aftre that an overhaul of its inconsistent doctrinal basis should be instituted.

    Yours etc.,

    cc: The Editor, The Guardian

  • blondie

    Important issues facing the editor:

    1. Bombing in Afghanistan and the continuing war against terrorism
    2. President Bush's visit to Russian and China
    3. Continuing anthrax scare in the US and abroad--smallpox looming
    4. Contiuning cleanup and search for bodies in NYC
    5. The effect of all this on US economy and the world
    6. Companies laying off thousands of workers--where to find new jobs
    7. Get the picture

    While the WTS looms large in the lives of many here, most of the publ just see JWs like an annoying pest that show up at their door once a year, don't celebrate birthdays and holidays, let their children die by refusing blood transfusions. Do they see JWs as a danger to their daily lives like terrorists and/or criminals are? Not where I live. Even if it is proven that the WTS misrepresented their view of the United Nations, the general public will see it as just another hypocritical religion or corporation, and most JWs will just see it as a ploy of Christendom and apostates to discredit the WTS.

    I'm not saying don't do what you have to do. Just realize that the vast majority of the public and the ranks of the WTS won't be affected deeply. A few may be and that may be satisfaction enough.

  • Trilobite


    Of course. But when will we have another chance like this. Three stories have now appeared in 2 weeks in the midst of the things you mention, with maybe more to come.

    Plus, there is also some sense of "Afghan/anthrax fatigue" setting in in the media. If anything iffbeat stories like this may be even more attractive for that reason.

    It maybe takes an hour to put a short letter together. Why give up before we start. In fact, in the time it took you to say why this idea won;t work, you could have written a ltter and fired it off, right? What's to lose?

    Thanks for the comments though which are absolutely correct.


  • blondie

    I have limited time and energy so I have chosen to direct those resources toward the issue of child abuse which I have done long before I came to this DB. My background is in that area and I feel that is where my talents are best served...children first.

  • hsmew


    To me the problems in the organization cannot be separated, one from another. They all arise from the same mindset. Writing a short letter to a newspaper to add weight to a case of international interest, especially when child abuse and blood can be linked to it, as Stephen Bates did, can only help the children. This organization responds only to external pressure.

    The basic problem with the organization is that it indoctrinates attitudes through using its power to disfellowship. Until that mindset changes only isolated victories on blood and child abuse will be possible. Most JWs don't even believe that child abuse occurs so blinkered are they. The UN case is different in that it has the potential to cause a re-evaluation by JWs of their organization.

    The point being made is that, in debating whether it will be effective or not to write to newspapers, more energy is being expended than would be involved in actually writing to them.

    Don't you think that Stephen Bates' articles will help the children; he did mention blood and child abuse in no uncertain terms.


  • blondie

    I'd rather give my attention directly to helping survivors of child abuse....and even if the WTS disappeared off the face of the earth today...there would still be child abuse, a lot of it. I'm sure you agree. You have your goals, I have mine. I don't write many's too impersonal for I help children directly through support and encouragement. You see, I know what it is like to be an abused child who thinks they are alone. I have not allowed it to poison my life. So I use my knowledge and training for that purpose...helping children legally, materially, and spiritually. I have seen many success stories.

    In my opinion, it will take more than the UN issue to disrupt the WTS. I thought the generation issue would do more, but it didn't. The alternative service change, when the sheep and goats would be separated, when the disgusting thing would stand in a holy place, being able to take blood fractions and use cellsavers (hemodilution), followed with hardly a ripple.

    So I don't make revealing the "true nature" of the WTS my goal. I just help children. I came here mostly because of Silentlambs...but I see he doesn't post much here any more. I hope he is still getting the support he did at first. He and his wife sacrificed a great deal over this issue of abused children and continue to do so. I wish I could them more directly but I have my own battlefield.

    So do what you need to do. If it is true, this is part of the same issue, my giving my energy to this issue will not undermine anything.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Trilobite,

    thanks for the good post, the suggestions

    and the e-mail add.

    Of course I do agree with you, and also with the

    content of the letter and its style.

    I'll be writing to all the add.

    Please post your " ...letter " to the main

    thread.."UN,NGO's and the WBS " to get a

    wide publicity and encourage more to write.

    Thanks again for your efforts, greetings


    P.S. We shoul always post the " replies "

    to the main thread also! - if we do receive ..!

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • hsmew


    I certainly respect your views. It takes time for these things to effect change, esp. in the organization. Very few want the WTS to vanish, we want it to change into a force for good. It contains lots of sincere and good people, even in Brooklyn. If th ebalance of power can be switched in their favor then all of the problems will be solved. I see the UN thing as yet another stick with which to beat the hardliners into submission.

    Once the leadership changes then attitudes will change. Changing the rules alone won't help.

    We all do as we see fit; I just hope that people are not discouraged from writing because they think it will do no good for the reasons you pointed out.

  • blondie

    I certainly don't think I will eradicate child abuse or even dent it, but I don't give up. I just keep helping one person at a time.

    Can I guess that you are male, Tribolite? If I'm wrong, I apologize now.

    And here I am female?

    I hate stereotypes, but this might be a case of how women and men can view situations differently.

    If my words can sway anyone so easily, I feel they lack the necessary zeal to follow through.

    Amazingly, the WTS espouses the view of not trying to bring down organizations such as governments and religions, they just steal away their members one by one.

  • Trilobite


    We each do what we think is right. I don't see the blood, child abuse, UN issues as being disconnected but others may. Some may support the WTS in some areas and not in others. My initial response was to your list of why writing letters might not work. I think actually that you're correct; however, given the publicity that the three Guardian articles gave to child abuse, I personally feel that there is more at stake than simply the UN deal.


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