Baptism: What It's Supposed to Mean and what it actually does mean

by WTWizard 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    You are getting baptized, and they ask you the questions. But, do you know what your baptism is supposed to actually mean? Most people will get that it is a symbol of your dedication to Jehovah the Watchtower Society. But that is only part of the truth. You see, when you go under the water, you are supposed to have died as to your former course in the world. This means all your normal desires are supposed to have perished, which includes the hope for material security and happiness. Then you come up, and that is supposed to symbolize rebirth as a God machine.

    What this actually means to the Tower leaders is that your time as an individual is finished. You are supposed to "die" with respects to that when you go under the water. This means no more thinking as a person. You are no longer supposed to get an education, get a decent job that involves thinking, or do any of the things (to which they keeping adding, and occasionally deleting) that you are "not supposed to be involbed with". You exist as a cog in the Watchtower machine, and nothing else.

    When you come up, you are "reborn". But it is now solely for the purposes of the Watchtower virus. Your sole mission in life is to infect everyone on the planet with this virus. You will have the help of those who are already infected, as well as those you succeed in infecting (who will then join you). You are supposed to support anyone else that is carrying on this work, as well as the ones running the show. This is supposed to consume all your time and energy. And, since this is everlasting, there is no way to back out (this is not something that you have to renew and you can "forget" to update). Once you get baptized, you are forever a God machine.

    I think this is odd since originally Jesus was baptized to carry out the will of his Father (or so the Tower version would have one believe) and not some man-made organization. The fact is that more than once Jesus dumped the tables of the Pharisees for being greedy and corrupt with changing money for animal sacrifices. Also, more than once Jesus decried the religious leaders for doing exactly what the Watchtower Society is doing now: being sticklers for rules and not keeping the spirit of the law. And, notably, if one studies the Bible objectively and with a view to what Jesus was really trying to accomplish, Jesus was actually trying to free the people from religious tyrants! Jesus wanted people to think on their own, and he was teaching them to. Most of the idea of God was intended solely to get people to break free of tyranny, to which he attributed to Satan in an attempt to get those people to learn to think free, live, and let live.

  • Honesty

    You are so on top of it.

    The Watchtower has no clue what being born again is or how it changes a person forever.

    They are unsaved and don't even have a clue what it means to be saved because their paths are being lit with strange fires that are leading them away from God instead of towards Him.

  • greendawn

    Not only do they not know what being reborn means but the whole exercise is pointless since virtually all dubs do not participate of the blood and body of Christ, baptism means entering the new covenant which most dubs do not and the few that supposedly do don't even know what it means. The Christ rather than jehovah is the central person in the church, her purchaser and direct head.

  • Perry

    "You see, when you go under the water, you are supposed to have died as to your former course in the world. This means all your normal desires are supposed to have perished" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is what has happened millions of times in the past two thousand years..... the ways of the flesh dies and Christ lives inside and starts the sanctification process. However, in the WT it is not about becoming like Christ as much as it is imagining yourself more righteous than your 'phony" christian neighbors and being like the aloof and anonymous WT drones in Brooklyn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I got baptized I was suprised to find out that eventually I started sinning more not less. I'm a practical business man. It just didn't work, plain and simple. Eventually I quit faking it and after a while of being lost, turned it all over to Jesus. What a night and day.

  • Perry

    "You see, when you go under the water, you are supposed to have died as to your former course in the world. This means all your normal desires are supposed to have perished" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is what has happened millions of times in the past two thousand years..... the ways of the flesh dies and Christ lives inside and starts the sanctification process. However, in the WT it is not about becoming like Christ as much as it is imagining yourself more righteous than your 'phony" christian neighbors and being like the aloof and anonymous WT drones in Brooklyn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I got baptized I was suprised to find out that eventually I started sinning more not less. I'm a practical business man. It just didn't work, plain and simple. Eventually I quit faking it and after a while of being lost, turned it all over to Jesus. What a night and day.

  • Sassy

    it means you have passed the test of being brainwashed..

    and further it means you did not read the small print that says if you change your mind, you give up all rights to your family

  • shell69

    It means you stopping LIVING and start existing

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