Would like to introduce myself...

by Undine 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Undine

    I apologize for having to
    delete my post.
    Fear of being found out
    and I cannot risk that.



    UNDINE,hang out,make some friend`s ,you just might like it here.

  • datsdethspicable

    Welcome Undine, enjoyed your story. I always had a feeling some of those elders wives felt the same way you did. It's good to hear you are now a peace and hope your daughter will return to you.

    sufferin' succotash!!!!!!

  • not interested
    not interested

    i think its funny that you were told that you couldnt love Jehovah and divorce your husband. My wife was told the oppodite,we had a realy bad marrige and hen she wanted out she was asked why and told the elders that i was a alcholic, when they asked for proof she brought her sister in who was also unscriptualy seperated from her husband and they corroborated stories, and as you know when you have 2 or mor witnesses then everything is true. the sad thing is that they wouldnt belive me when i said that the stories werent true. i even brought defence wittnesses to my "trial" but they wouldnt listen. gues thats what happenes when 2 of the elders on your commmite are best friends with your wifes father.but i gu4ess i look at it as a blessing in disguise cuz i was living a double life but i wasnt a alcholic , i guesss thats what i got pissed off about they could have df"ed me for anything else but that cuz that wasnt true

    take care
    not interested

  • Undine

    Wow, I'm glad at least a couple of you
    got to read about my "jw journey" before I
    freaked out and deleted it! Thought that
    maybe I gave away too much personal information
    and could be "identified."

    THANK YOU OUTLAW & datsdethspicable for your
    heartening sentiments! ~¿~

    And, Not interested, I very much appreciated
    hearing a bit of your experience. I am sorry
    that the lie that was told about you was believed.
    I can relate! Bigtime!
    I wish you much happiness in your life...


  • not interested
    not interested

    Undine, i dont think you have to be worried about being discovered here, i have been loking at this site for along time but just started posting things. what you say here will stay here so dont be afraid
    not interested.

  • Undine

    ~not interested~

    Thank you for responding...I am not worried about
    ANYONE on this forum being able to decipher "who I am".

    It was more the "isp #" that set my clock of paranoia off!

    I DO feel silly for so decidedly writing this post and then
    deleting it...what I have at stake is greater than my need for
    being "known and accepted."


    I find it sadly ironic that the one I "fear" should not be anywhere NEAR this "apostate" site!!!!!!! ô¿ô

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole


    You're one of them communist sparrows I been talkin' 'bout.

    They always change their name when they leave the party.

  • ISP

    Hi Undine I hope you continue on the board! I am sure you can make some good friends here!


  • openminded

    If your worried about privacy, I would recommend putting a lock on your e-mail. Unless your name realy is'nt georgia kahlo. -om

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