So... Russell accepted evolution?

by Awakened07 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened07

    -This is probably old news to a lot of you, but I thought perhaps it would be new news to some (like me).

    I found this little gem on YouTube; it's from the Photodrama of Creation:

    Listen from 01:29 to 03:00, and you'll hear Russell explain that he had nothing against the idea of evolution when it came to the animal kingdom.

    I'm wondering if he really believed that at the time, or if he included it to please a larger audience? That said, I guess it could do the exact opposite at the time it was shown, 'cause I'd imagine the biblical creation story must have been the "officially approved" story around 1912 in most people's minds (in the western world).

    I also wonder (if he once accepted it to some degree at least, with the data available at the time) when he / The Bible Students / JWs ended up discarding it in favor of a more literal understanding of the biblical creation story?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Russell taught that evolution was used for all living creatures by God with the exception of man himself

    I believe that this was discarded later by Rutherford, but I am not exactly sure when.

  • Awakened07
    Russell taught that evolution was used for all living creatures by God with the exception of man himself

    Yes - as I said "when it came to the animal kingdom". [edited to add: Ha ha! -Goes to show how long I've been a witness, I guess. "animal kingdom" as opposed to "man". Oh well... you got my point. [/edited] That he thought man couldn't be caused by evolution isn't so strange, since it's so explicitly explained how God formed man from the dirt of the ground in the Bible.

    But personally, I thought it was quite special to learn that he didn't mind believing in evolution of animals - with a couple of objections (caused by misunderstanding the process of evolution, and/or by the lack of data at the time).

  • eclipse

    I had no idea that Russell believed this.

    Great find, Awakened! You are not the only one to find this ''new'' news, or news ''new''. lol

  • heathen

    I believe in devolution ... because alot of people remind me of mindless monkeys.........

  • Atlantis

    Click here for Watchtower Evolution quotes.


  • changeling

    Never knew that...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you for the clip. It is so amazing how the organization has "sanatized" their past!! Another perfect example of their lies and deciept!!Just look at this..I found it in the piece by Ken Raines:

    Put in charge of all God's interests

    The Society today claims that they were the only ones distributing good, wholesome and nourishing spiritual "meat" or "food" when Jesus returned invisibly and unnoticed by mankind in 1914. After "returning" He inspected all who professed His name to see who was distributing the food at the "proper time." Since only the JWs were doing this, they alone were put in charge of "all of God's interests" on earth while Christendom was rejected. One of the reasons they were chosen, they say, was they were speaking out against evolution while the "clergy" endorsed theistic evolution:

    Jesus expected anointed Christians collectively to be acting as a faithful steward, giving his body of attendants "their measure of food supplies at the proper time." (Luke 12:42) According to Luke 12:43, Christ said: "Happy is that slave, if his master on arriving finds him doing so!" This indicates that for some time before Christ arrived to settle accounts with his spirit-anointed slaves, they would have been dispensing spiritual food to members of the Christian congregation, God's household. Whom did Christ find doing so when he returned with kingly power in 1914 and proceeded to inspect the house of God in 1918?.... Do you think it was Christendom's churches? Certainly not, for they were deeply involved in politics.... Spiritually, their faith had been weakened by Modernism. A spiritual crisis was brought about because many of their clergy became easy prey to higher criticism and evolution. No spiritual nourishment could be expected from Christendom's clergy!....

    On arriving to inspect his slaves in 1918, therefore, whom did the Master, Jesus Christ, find giving to his body of attendants their measure of food supplies at the proper time? Well, by then, who had given truth seekers the correct understanding of the ransom sacrifice, the divine name, the invisibility of Christ's presence, and the significance of 1914?.... who had warned of the dangers of evolution and spiritism? The facts show that it was a group of anointed Christians associated with the publishers of Zion's Watch Tower... [5]

  • Terry

    America was largely shaped by perfectionists with a solid-as-concrete agenda for developing society along the lines of a "Shining city on a hill".

    The evangelism of the Puritan era was quite different from today. It contained the central belief that the world would be perfected by the Gospel one converted sinner at a time in one perfected village at a time in one perfected nation at a time like the spread of sunlight dawning on a landscape.

    Just before C.T.Russell came along this Puritan perfectionism had met with setbacks that had staggered its self-confident attitude considerably. Various wars punctured the dream significantly. The Civil War had turned brother against brother, for one thing. The War of 1812 had smothered the enthusiam of optimistic perfectionists.

    America went through violent upheaval that tested the Theology of many and found it wanting.

    Programs for developing poverty stricken areas, for reforming drunks, for educating the ignorant, for getting women involved in politics and for various reform movements came and went without much success.

    Religious people were at wit's end!

    That is when they most became vulnerable to END TIMES speculations and William Miller's sermons about the imminent Armageddon event!

    The Great Disappointment fractured cohesive mainstream churches into splinter groups who were angry, disenfranchised and spoiling for confrontations. They became divisions, denominations, cults, etc.

    NEW IDEAS were sought. NEW WAYS of thinking about the world became possible for the first time.

    When Darwin's theory of Evolution appeared something happened that had never happened before!

    Mainstream religionists who were at loggerheads with splinter denominations used Evolution as a battering ram. The local denominations, splinter groups and cults fought back by embracing NEW ideas like Evolution for an IN YOUR FACE rebuttal of sorts.

    A wave of revolutionary ideas split the factions down the middle.

    C.T.Russell was just one of many people who seized the day, as it were, to put 'FRESH' theology forward for consideration. This was easier than you might imagine.

    It is like a vacuum cleaner salesman coming to your door and demonstrating how pitiful your broom is compared to new technology! The backward Perfectionist failures could not stand against NEW thinking!

    When C.T.Russell met and married his wife, Maria; he was marrying a woman with NEW IDEAS as well. These two people formed an alliance of POWER COUPLE fierceness in putting forth the new theology.

    Adopting aspects of first this and then that new idea was pretty much Russell's cherry-picking approach.

    Incorporating Evolution, Pyramidology, Dispensationalism, 2nd Advent chronology, etc. was Russell's patchwork "improvement" on what was competing for the attention of the "Modern Man".

    Remember, it was Maria who invented the doctrine of "faithful and discreet slave" as a "twain" (husband and wife) directed by God to feed the rank and file.

    Russell was only different from other new-age thinkers and crackpots and innovators in one way: he had enough money to build an empire.

    Russell was a kind of theological Bill Gates absorbing the ideas of others and making them his own.

    If we look at society, theology and human psychology at the turn of the century (1899-1900) we see restless, disappointed ex-Puritan perfectionists ready for something/anything that would change the world more effectively than the old ideas of social reform.

    Armageddon, 2nd Coming thinking fit that appetite nicely.

    What worked for C.T.Russell also has worked for the subsequent Jehovah's Witness religion all along. To wit:

    EXPLAIN EVERYTHING in revolutionary terms by redefining old ideas within a new context and turning it back on the previous instutions like turning a cannon around.

    JW's blasted mainstream religion, politics, society, chronology and christian identity with REFORM by REdefinition.

    If an idea wasn't astonishing, novel, weird, confrontational or bizarre; the Jehovah's Witness did not want anything to do with it!

    When a time and a place and a readiness of mind come together historically nothing can stop the inevitability of it from happening.

    Today, however; the Tim LaHaye LEFT BEHIND theology has co-opted the immediacy and storyline of JW's and has left them in the shadow of backward thinking. They are getting a taste of their own tactics in spades!

  • lawrence


    Right on, excellent coverage!

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