WT monitoring JWD? Absolutely!

by fedorE 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    If a religion has to spy on its members to the extent of tapping into computers and phone lines - why call it a religion? Pretty pathetic group of blood suckers.......sammieswife.

  • changeling

    Rampant paranoia!


  • lfcviking

    Well thats interesting pal and if what your saying is true by sneaking around like that then they are breaking their own principle of honesty. So much for 'true' christians eh.

  • under_believer

    No, seeker, you're right that the post has all the hallmarks of a classic urban legend:

    1) "top IT specialist"--vague unspecific appeal to authority
    2) ex CIA types, "the plumbers"--popular conspiracy theory actor
    3) "Carnivore"--FBI monitoring software, another popular conspiracy theory element
    4) There's no such thing as a "spyware cookie." Spyware is different than cookies. I doubt a "top IT specialist" would use that term.
    5) The "Israeli program COMVERSE [Infosys]" is also a very common conspiracy theory element

    In any case, my point is that regardless of the urban legend trappings, everything described in the email is in fact completely mundane uses of computer technology and is pretty much a given for any corporate environment, and would be trivial for even a poorly-equipped but technically advanced person such as myself to accomplish. In other words the account might be fabricated, but it strikes at what is very likely the truth.

    "Carnivore" for example isn't even commonly used by the FBI anymore--they use off-the-shelf products that anyone can walk into a computer store and purchase. That's how run of the mill this stuff is now.

  • lfcviking
    Can you imagine Jesus authorizing spy techniques like this?

    Good point Mary

  • ninja

    I dont give a hugo boss what the watchtower do....they have no grip on me .....giruy watchtower

  • RunningMan

    The original post seems to be a rather alarmist description of some pretty routine stuff.

    All of this monitoring seems to be possible and not too difficult. However, most of it would probably be reported only on an exception basis. Could you imagine how many people would be required to listen to every phone conversation, read every computer's internet log, and scour every JW and ex-JW site in the world. They would need an army of snoops.

    I do suspect that they check out the apostate sites, just to keep an eye on the opposition, but they would have to be really careful. Normality is contagious, you know. They would probably have a lot of snoops going over the wall

  • antonio98711

    They have always spied on members. Read Schnell's Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave where they sent Bethelites trailing Schnell around and giving reports on him back in the 1920s and 1930s in Rutherford's time.

    Who would they use for it today? From up high, types like Manuel Jesus Cano of New York and previously Mexico and Michael Porter who were both pedophiles and it is doubtful that was unknown to the Service Department run by Ted Jaracz in NYC or Gillies in Europe.

    So a good guess is pedophiles whom they have dirt on do some of it, as well as some of the nuttier than usual elders, their wives, third generationalists and so on, again, the nuttier types. That's on the local level.

    Ray Franz wrote in Crisis In Conscience or In Search Of Christian Freedom about Bethel staffers in Greece being caught by Greek police secretly filming exJWs privately observing the Memorial. If any of you have the page, edition and definite title, that would be good.

    There are elders and other JWs who who would never stoop to it, but there are plenty who would, especially with a little encouragement or if told to do along with a warning like we'll let people know what dirt we have on you if you don't do the work for us.

  • journey-on

    Unless....they think there's a coup about to take place. (Just another thought.)

  • flipper

    " Warning Will Robinson, Warning Will Robinson, danger ,danger." Who really cares ? Mr. Dewey has left the building. He's the only one scared, not me. Mr. Flipper

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