not sure what to do about this...

by dobbie 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    So sis in law father has been on dialysis for yrs and is elderly and hubby just got a text from his bro 'just so you don't put your foot in it ******'s father is stopping dialysis this wk and has 2 wks to live' (hes a jw too)

    So i said to hubby he should reply and mention how sorry we are but he said why as they're treating me(dobs) like dirt and he doesn't see why he should. But although they have cut me out now totally it seems i still think i should do something. I thought maybe just sending a text or a card to say we are thinking of them all. Whatever i do will be wrong cos its been like that since i've left so i'm sure whether i send one or not it would still be the wrong thing in their eyes but i feel bad not acknowledging this. Any views/opinions please?

  • IP_SEC

    Damned if you do, damned if you dont huh?

    Send a nice card. You be right tho they be wrong. Kidney failure is a dreadful way to leave this world. I watched it take my dad when he could no longer do dialysis.

    Let him know you care.

  • fokyc


    Don't worry about what THEY are going to think; do what you and your husband feel is right for you.

    If they find everything is wrong, does it matter what you do, just go by YOUR feelings.


  • dedpoet


    Do what you think is right. It's them that are doing the shunning,
    not you. You don't have to live by their warped rules any more.

    I'd send a card, it seems like the right thing to do.


  • katiekitten

    Id send a card too, you might feel like you wished you had later on when its too late.

    Let them think what they like, they are the ones being pea brains about this.

  • purplesofa

    It is so sad to me that at a time of someones death these kinds of issues are issues.

    There is a time to follow your heart, I would say this is the time.

    Sorry you are going through this


  • DJK

    Send a card. Its a good message and a reflection of how caring you are, whether they like it or not.

  • Dragonlady76

    I would send them a card, show them that you are better then they are, that despite the cruel treatment you are the one who acts more like a true christian.

  • dobbie

    thanks guys, i will send a card, i would feel too bad if i didn't and i carry enough guilt around with me already. I hate it that things have to be this way, its not normal but at least i will know i have shown them that i do still care about them all, (even if i do moan about them like mad for shunning me!). Thanks for your replies, i really appreciate it. I feel so sorry for him, he was always a sweet tempered mild person, horrible to think of how hes going to suffer now.

  • RollerDave

    Good, You will feel better for sending it.

    It's never too late to do the right thing. Hopefully the example you are setting will be noted and there will be some doing of the right thing coming back.

    If not, at least you know you did right.


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