How the watchtower study is used by the writing department

by cultswatter 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    Last night I was reading that Aug 15th WT. When I came across the following sentence. I thought gee what poor sentence structure ....AHA maybe there is a hidden word contained within!!!. Sure enough there is a doozy of a word spelled out. The word consists of the first capital letters of the following quote

    their unity is the most pronounced and enduring in the history of the world, a unity Exceeding Anything Experienced By Satan's
    Subjects. Such Love .......

    See if you can spell that hidden word. The word shows that the watchtower writers don't believe a single thing they write.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi there. Whats the point? I don't see it. Thanks for clarifying.,,

  • Mum


  • cultswatter

    This is a prime example of the writing department putting jests thru daily. Their technique is to put hidden words always in conjunction with the word Satan. This shows that the wt writers have contempt for the WTS

  • cultswatter

    Well done MUM!!!!!! ***

    Obviously this word puzzle was somewhat subliminally suggestive

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi there cultswatter. This will be (hopefully) my only response to this thread.

    Having met the writing dept, I can tell you that they are not nearly as clever to insert subliminal words. In your example, the letters aren't even in order. To me my friend, this is the equivelant of an ink blot test. You saw what you were looking for. (sort of)

    The same goes for the art dept. I think the pictures and drawings are horribly manipulative and graphic. They are designed at times to shock you. But no one in the Art Dept puts in subliminal messaging in the art. These guys are volunteers. They like to draw. The pictures like the articles come from pre approved ideas and concepts of the governing body. THEN they are sent back and worked up. Then the articles and artwork get final approval.

    It takes a lot more knowhow and technology to do as you suggest cultswatter. In my opinion, it is posts like this that actually discredit the legitimate work of exposing Jehovah's Witnesses (the governing body esp) for what they really are.

    Consider, JW's have all sorts of pedophiles running loose. Their main teaching of the importance of the date of 1914 is linked to Egyptian pyramids and a totally false, intellectually dishonest date for the fall of Jerusalem. (607 is not true for you lurkers.) While condemning anyone who would get a political card in Malawai during the 1970's as disloyal to Jehovah by aligning oneself with the world, the governing body turns around and for an entire decade (90's) is a "card carrying member" of the United Nations. They are responsible for thousands of deaths while they themselves hypocritically break this very same "principle" when convenient for them.

    And while all this is going on, you are looking for the word "baseless" in a WT article paragraph? Such trivial fiction makes the governing body claim that "apostates" are nuts and full of lies credible.

    So I have to go on record for the sake of honesty cultswatter and say while I respect your right to believe this if you wish, you are totally 100% wrong in this assertion.

  • IP_SEC

    I agree 100% with jeff.

  • cultswatter

    It takes a lot more knowhow and technology to do as you suggest cultswatter

    Not really. The sentence structure is clever but these bethel writers must surely be mad by now after writing the same old crap for over 100years. I think that this insertion of the word "baseless" was deliberate. I mean, it is so bizzare to write that paragraph the way they did. The sentence structure and grammar were the clues that made me look for tha word in the first place. I was not that suprised to find it.

  • IP_SEC

    Cultswatter please read this sentence again.

    And while all this is going on, you are looking for the word "baseless" in a WT article paragraph? Such trivial fiction makes the governing body claim that "apostates" are nuts and full of lies credible.

    This is the point.

    Thank you

    Carry on.

  • still_in74

    cultswatter, as Jeff pointed out - you have the right to believe/see anything you want here. However your post history has on occasion demonstrated your quickness to jump to conclusions regarding "agendas" of the WTS. (ie: the WTS lawyers sabotaging your Pascal post)

    This is akin to believing the Davinci Code is a true story!

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