Learning About Self

by R.F. 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nvrgnbk

    Learning About Self

    Oops. I thought this was yet another thread about masturbation.

    Now being serious, you've made tremendous progress in the time you've been on JWD, R.F.

    Keep it up!

  • Mum

    R.F., I admire you so much for doing what you are doing at such a young age. Waking up is hard to do!

    A few years ago I took some personality inventory type "tests" and vocational interest tests. I recommend that you do the same. A counselor at your local community college probably could administer them for a nominal fee. In the meantime, it would be good to purchase a book called Please Understand Me. There is a self-test in the book, and it teaches you about your psychological type. What I gained from this book was reading about the other types, too. I used their characteristics to change myself to be more like them if they handled things better.

  • R.F.

    CG21 - in your case it's like i told you the other day....you've already been through so much and have overcome mountains of challenges that I wonder if I could tackle if they were to come my way. You have alot to be proud of yourself about...i know i'm sure proud of you.

    DJK- nothing weird about that at all! That's one thing that has really hit me recently.....you must understand yourself or at least try to before others can.

    tinker - thanks for that quote. I may have to post that one my fridge. There has been so much change lately that hit me like a freight train and I didn't think I could handle it. I've seemed to wiggle my way through it I guess. It's strange how life can do a 180 on you so suddenly.

    ex-nj-jw - I should really appreciate my age more. I often complain that i've wasted much precious time by living in a fairy tale, yet there are many here that have spent more than double my age in the lie before they broke free. I should be VERY happy of that!

    nvrgnbk - you naughty guy.. lol. and thank you.

    Thank you for the advice Mum. I will definitely look into those things.

  • unique1

    Kudos!! Time for new goals??

  • samiam2b

    I can really relate. Even before I left (as I realize now), this journey started for me. Like another reply mentioned, I too bought the book Please Understand Me and then the sequel Please Understand Me II. I was searching for myself, feeling lost like I was missing something and wanted to better understand who I was, what I stood for, even what I thought about... anything/everything. I even had an elder and his wife do the test, at the time for entertainment purposes - perhaps to validate the benefit of self awareness.

    Think about what I said for a moment... "I wanted to know what I thought about... anything/everything".

    For so many years I had been told what to think and how to think that I was not an individual. Trying to mold myself after what everyone else that I knew had told me that I should be. Watching a close friend, who had been an elder, a pioneer, had even been imprisoned for not going to Vietnam- as he struggled to figure out why they wouldn't make him an elder even though he was doing all the right things. I did not want to spend 30 years doing that, being that, thinking that. I wanted to be happy and as a JW I was not happy. It was fundamentally because of being a JW that I was not happy.

    After leaving, my now wife, had to break the mind control. She asked me what I thought about many different topics. Usually I had to think about it before I could answer, so that the answers would be my own and not just regurgitated concepts. We discussed the meaning of life, politics, relationships, evolution/creation, eduation, religion, and all those types of topics. She guided me through this transition as we learned about each other, like most other happy couples, although for me I was also learning about myself.

    Don't misunderstand... she and I have very different viewpoints on certain things, while some of my opinions are more conservative than hers (is that a long term effect of ultra-conservative religous upbringing?) I know them to be my own and for the most part fell that they are no longer influenced by the JWs. I say for the most part because the one topic that I cannot reconcile is one that many here have already or never had to struggle with.

    Is there a god? Is the bible really a book from god? Is there a true religion? Were we created or did we evolve? Does one need some kind of religion in order to be "saved"? For many this is a religous position but for me I am not sure yet. It has taken years for me to heal the other aspects of me and I do not yet feel that I can deal with this topic and be unbiased or not be effected in some way from my upbringing. I am irritated by that fact, as it feels that I am still under some sort of JW spell but its also a topic that I am not forced to face to live a "normal" and peaceful existence.

    It is ironic, to me, that the ultra-theologic religion of JWs has itself left me unable to support or defend the existence of a god or the sanctity of the bible.

    I wish you much happiness through your journey, think of it as a learning time. Learn about yourself and how you fit in with everyone else on this planet. Be yourself and above all be happy. If there is a god, surely he/she would not ask you to be unhappy in order to prove your allegiance.



  • What-A-Coincidence

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