Did Jesus really die on a cross?

by moomanchu 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The WTS should be honest about that picture of a man nailed to a pole.

    It comes from Justus Lipsius' book De Cruce Liber Primus, which contains numerous pictures of various methods -- upside down, St Andrews cross, etc., etc., etc.

    After investigating the various methods, Lipsius concluded that the conventional method of a pole with a cross-piece, arms outstretched, was the correct version.

    When the body of a crucified man was discovered a few years ago, it revealed that his feet had been placed on a board, knees bent and a nail went through both ankles. The nails were through his wrists, since nails in the hands would have torn through under the weight of the body.

    The cross is not a Christian symbol, nor Jewish, but a Roman implement. So many were killed by them in this manner that forests were denuded.


  • moomanchu
    According to the human law they executed an innocent man so that would be murder

    There have been innocent people killed in the US under capitol punishment.

    Who would be the murder?

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    In my previous Post, I said that the picture of the man tied to a pole is only one of several from the book by Justus Lipsius. (The WTS provides only the one drawing from Lipsius' book.)

    I also referred to the discovery of the body of a man who had been crucified.

    I have placed evidence on my web site that support my assertions.

    Go to: http://au.geocities.com/doug_mason1940/new_world_translation.html

    Then scroll down the page.

    At the lower part of the page, you will find three files to download:
    one provides pictures from Justus Lipsius' book,
    the other two files describe the discovery of the crucified man. He died about 7 AD in Jerusalem.

    If my instructions are not clear enough -- tell me.


  • kerj2leev

    First of allYou see this personified solar deity and his "crucifixion" on the Cross of the Sun depicted in the religious icon that predates Christianity by thousands of years.


    Going along with Nvr's thoughts, this has a pretty clear and easy to understand explanation of what he is taking about!

  • heathen

    There have been innocent people killed in the US under capitol punishment.

    Who would be the murder?

    obviously the people that brought the charges against them and then used the legal system to have them killed. In jesus story it was the pharisees that brought the false charges against him and they used the roman court to carry out the execution of which the roman court said he was innocent but then had him killed because they were afraid of the crowd of jews.

  • mkr32208
    Did super man really marry Marge Simpson?

    Not that $hit made me laugh!

    Ok now seriously it couldn't be a pole. People hung from a single pole die in MINUTES not hours that why they stopped doing it. You could hang for hours from a T shaped cross. It seems pretty clear that the J-man was talking to his followers hours after being hung up, so it couldn't be a pole or stake.

    The second point is that Jesus DIDN'T DIE. What sucks about dying? The dying part? Yeah that sucks a bit, but what REALLY sucks? Being gone, not being able to see your kids and grand-kids grow up. Not being able to be with your wife or husband etc. What sucks about dying is BEING DEAD! If someone came to you and said "if you will allow me to slowly peel all the skin off your body then toss you into a vat of rubbing alcohol then set the alcohol on fire and you'll not loose consciousness and it will take a entire week. HOWEVER when were done you will be completely healed and immortal, you'll never die never even get SICK!"

    Would you do it? HELL YEAH! So what "sacrifice" did Jesus make?

    NOTHING! Jesus didn't DIE for your sins he just had a shitty weekend for your sins!

  • moomanchu

    Agree with some replies, others not, will check some of the refs. thanks.

    Another thought :

    Jews built and kept (revered?) altars for sacrificing animals to God.

    The cross is Jesus's altar he built to sacrificing himself, no?

    What's wrong with having a replica of the altar where the ultimate sacrifice took place.

  • justhuman

    SURE HE DID...The word cross - stavros, in Greek it means Cross(2 bars crossing each other +) Christians believe it, and used it a symbol. It was found in catacombs some dating at the year of 70A.D.

    The Bible show very clearly how he was crusified. Thomas said that he must see the mark of the NAILS at Jesus hands to believe.They were more than one nail, like the WT presents Jesus at the torture stake, and Thomas knew that. Ha asked about the NAILS. Not nail...

    At the discription of the crucifiction, the Gospels clearly indicate to us the the sign was set OVER Jesus head. To have a sign fixed over Jesus head it means that the hands had to be open like the Cross shape.

    Apostole Paul said in Corinthians chapter 2, that they preach a CRUCIFIED Jesus, and that Jesus Cross is GLORY to the Christians, but shame to Jews, and nonsence to the Gentiles...

    And what will be tha mark of Jesus in the second coming in Heavens, that ALL the Nations will see, and realize that is the second coming of Jesus?

    Indeed Cross it is a Christian Symbol, used from the early Christians. That is why the demonic influence of Russell, and Rutherford, removed this Christian symbol, just like the Mormons, JW's are ENEMIES of Jesus Cross, and this makes them DEMON ORIENTED CULTS

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