how many times were you disciplined???

by mentalclearness 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LearningToFly

    Only once.. which ended in an unfair disassociation. Went back was un-disassociated.. then after a time, walked away forever...

  • nvrgnbk

    Not enough.

    I told her I wanted more, but she was tired.

  • LearningToFly

    Lol Nvr! You like the bad boy game huh

  • 1914!

    heh, I got talked to by the elders when I was about 12 for calling up those dirty 1-900 numbers while having a sleep-over at a friends house. We didn't get caught until the phone bill came.. whoops. lol

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    One time a "busybody" sister whom I worked with made it her business to report me to the PO because she found I was becoming "too friendly" with a worldly man. Nothing came of it since she had no proof of any "wrongdoing" ... and I denied the whole thing anyway.

  • dobbie

    Well i did commit a gross sin once, had 3 of the elders come round but as i was sorry for it i think all i had to do was have a study with one of them (which soon fizzled out). They obviously didn't want to get rid of me back then, think they're glad to see the back of me now though lol!

    One bloke in our congo, slept with an much older women, who had a child (who recently found out at age 22 what everyone else had known all along, he thought her ex hubby was hid dad poor thing), then he was made a ms and stole the money out of the contribution box, then he came back again and slept with someone elses' wife and they're now married (it was one of those 'perfect' pioneer families you get, both kids are out now), and they did go back again but i think only go to the memorial now since someone called his new wife 'spawn of satan'!lol

  • 5go

    Private reproof for persueing my first girl friend her father didn't like it. Her older sister didn't help by getting DFed shortly before it.

    Having one parent out of the truth apparently is a markable offence too.

  • WTWizard

    I never got reproved. However, I got "counsel" for those "We want you to be so much better than we want everyone else, so we are going to raise the standard so much higher" items. Among them are keeping a house in less than impeccable order (well, maybe if you would use that as a reason to make sure I met the sisters, that would be much less of a problem), wrinkled shirts (the same solution), wanting to mix with the sisters (they told me to just meet other men), scuff marks on my shoes, not giving good feedback (that is, the appearance of happiness) upon being limited to just men, accepting rides from sisters (and at that, ones that were not all that attractive and were significantly older), not exuding with joy on a talk (and that from a brother not known for giving out copious numbers of "W"s), and not doing enough in service (it was barely Labor Day, and I had not put in my normal quota of hours for the month).

    Now, it's for things like missing all the meetings, putting in dummy service or no service at all, putting up Christmas decorations and setting up a Christmas tree, getting a Ouija board on the Memorial day, getting involved in a philosophy-based program that involves Aristotelian thinking (independent thinking), getting a computer, getting an X-box after they told me that the Game Boy had to go to make room for more service, shredding up all the Puketower and Asleep! magazines and Kingdumb Miserys, joining an apostate Web site and becoming an administrator there (and trying desperately to save it from trolls that had nearly destroyed it), joining another apostate forum after that one finally had to close down for cost-effectiveness or lack thereof, and joining MySpace and putting up more than 60 apostate blogs and putting apostate posts on the forum.

    The lesson: If you start demanding too much out of me and not adequately rewarding me, you can expect to get stung.

  • mentalclearness

    i forgot...the first time i had to talk to the elders was for smoking cigarettes...nothing happened..but tey did relate it with spiritism...apparently smoking is a way to communicate with satan or something...

  • eclipse

    LOL, they wish!

    That's only because they only have ONE scripture with which to beat you over the head with.

    There is nothing in the bible that talks about not smoking. so at best they grab at that one straw and fail miserably to present a valid argument against smoking or any kind of drug.

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