What did you see first to fall in love?

by hamsterbait 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    I don't remember what I saw first, but I had to see a psychiatrist afterwards.

  • serendipity

    His name was Greg and he had blond hair, mischievous blue eyes, a sprinkling of freckles and the cutest grin, minus one tooth, like a lot of first-graders. He and I sneaked a kiss behind a bush during recess. I got in trouble but he didn't.

  • Gregor

    She was my first grade teacher, Miss McCain. All the boys sat on the rug in the middle and the girls sat in chairs arranged in a "U" shape around us. She sat in a adult size chair facing the group. From my vantage point I could see her stocking tops, garter belt and panties. It bothered me in a strange way I'd never experienced before. It didn't help that when we were dismissed for the day she would stand by the door and give each of us a kiss on the forehead as we left in single file. She wore perfume too.

  • nvrgnbk
    From my vantage point I could see her stocking tops, garter belt and panties. It bothered me in a strange way I'd never experienced before. It didn't help that when we were dismissed for the day she would stand by the door and give each of us a kiss on the forehead as we left in single file. She wore perfume too.

    Brought a tear to my eye.

    I guess it would be safe to say you were never the same after that?

  • sandy

    My first crush was when I was in the 5th grade. I can still see his sweet face. Tall, brown hair and eyes and a huge smile. We were good friends and looking back I think he had a crush on me too. He would defend me when this little witch-girl would pick on me.

    I remember one particular day she was picking on me and he was sticking up for me and she asked him (in a snotty tone) something like: Is Sandy your girlfriend? AND HE SAID YES! lol He really was a sweet kid.

    Then over the summer he disappeared. I remember looking for him my first day back to school the following year. I never knew but assumed he moved away.

    I often wonder what ever happened to him.

  • greendawn

    The early years were immature and went mainly on physical appearence and understood nothing about personality and character. Later I was looking more for intelligence and imagination and a mild temper.

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