I have another XJW advice article if anyone could use it

by IsaacJS2 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • IsaacJS2


    I tried to explain some of the bizarre behavior and conversations that exxers like us have to go through with WT friends and family. A lot of us find it hard to stand up to the parents, the Elders, and all that, especially because we tend to see them as innocently "doing what they think is right" or "meaning well." I contend that the motives of oppresive evangelists who won't back off are more selfish than we credit them for and that we don't have to put up with this.

    I plan to follow this up with another article on how to handle these situations. But I do have this article at Austin Cline's site if you want to see it in the meantime. I think he posted it like a month ago. Note that both sites are run by atheists, so if you're religious and sensitive about it...well, you might not want to explore them as much.


    My A.C. articles aren't as "colorful" as the ones on my site tend to be. But it sort of squishes everything down into a shorter form. The stuff is there at both sites for anyone who could use it. Suggestions welcome. You can send me an email using the contact form on my about page or the contact link at the very bottom of my site.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    You're doing a great job with these articles IsaacJ.

    I love the calm, collected, matter-of-fact approach. Keep up the good work.

    Open Mind

  • IsaacJS2

    Thanks OpenMind! I worry about the length of them, which is always an issue with my Austin Cline articles. I hope the added "color" helps to make up for it a bit.


  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    The reason why JW's over react is simple, they are told to act in this way by the GB. The GB twist’s and turns scriptures to support their actions, and the only reason for this, is that the GB wants to silence any that leave the WTS.

  • under_believer

    IsaacJS2, you are a great writer and those articles are first-class. Nice job.

  • IsaacJS2
    The reason why JW's over react is simple, they are told to act in this way by the GB.

    You're welcome to your point of view, but I believe the issue goes a lot deeper than that. JWs aren't the only ones who act bizarre toward any friends and family who leave their faith. Quite a few believers who adhere to more "mainstream" religions also treat people badly, so JWs aren't the only ones. It's not uncommon for atheists with fundamentalist families to be treated as many of us are treated, for instance. Some non-Witness parents even refuse to talk to their kids after they become atheists or Wiccans or whatever, just as JWs shun the black sheep in their families.

    But I'm not even talking about DFing. I'm talking about the weird questions, assumptions, and attitude that actually pushes people away from their religion when they say they're trying to draw us back in. These are not things that have been scripted by the Society, and even non-Witness fundamentalists do them or a variation of them.

    My article is meant to help XJWs get a grip on why they're being treated so bizarely by people they once thought were sane on an individual basis. Once they understand, they don't have to feel bad for standing up for themselves as many XJWs seem to do.


  • Shawn10538

    Great article! Good reminders.

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