Are Jw's trained to be just plain mean spirited?

by AK - Jeff 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think they are.

    Not long ago, I would have defended them slightly with opinions about those 'under mind control' etc. But the further I get from Jw think, the more I believe that Jw's are just plain mean and hateful asses!

    Two situations that I relate in my life.

    1- An elder I know works in a grocery store. He makes pains to hide when I come in the store so as not to greet me, and when he bumps into me, he gets away as quickly as possible. Last week, I saw him hiding behind a meat cart, and peeking around a doorway since he knew I was in the store. Cannot this guy discern that I am there not to 'apostacize' him, but to buy groceries? Not long ago I would have understood why he acts as he does - though even as an active Jw I never felt so vulnerable to those who left the organization so as to be just mean in contact with them. I was subject to the same mind control as he is - but I never wanted to be mean to people.

    2- A sister, who was as close as flesh and blood to me for three decades, refuses to answer my email request for her x-husband's phone number so that I can contact him to clean my carpets. This is, like the above, strictly business. Still she prefers to be an ass, instead of helpful. Of course I have other options, but is a five word answer to an email too much to ask?

    I really think that the organization attracts those who like mean spirited thinking. They like a God who slaughters billions so they can live. They like an organization that expells people for acting like sinners act. They enjoy calling people who reject their 'truth', 'goats'. They lap up comments from others that tear down instead of building up.

    I really think Jw's like being asses! And many of them joined and stay because they like the hatefulness promoted within.



  • moshe

    Fear, that is what makes many of them do these hurtful things.- and each little jab to you is like them telling their Jehovah, " look at me, I'm loyal, I'm loyal to the org".

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    JWs live with a belief system that, like most cults, determines who is worthy of life, acceptance, and cutting off those who they decide are not deserving.

    Once cut off by the authority figures it doesn't matter what else they know. The rules define the worthy.

    I'm not one of the worthy. But then again, I decided a long time ago I wanted out of th eclub

  • educ8self

    How does it go in the NWT, "a lack of natural affection"? While it may not be indicative of the world coming to an end, I think there is something to be said for it being a sign for a life coming to an end or having become virtually non-existent. The first experience struck me in terms of how insecure the elder is, after all it was all about avoidance. Most people have some regard for others even if it's a stranger walking down the street, but JWs are taught to contradict that and defer to a world view that portrays the world as being under the power of the devil. So I don't know that mean spirited is exactly how I would describe it, more like lacking in any kind of spirit.

  • Inquisitor

    I really think that the organization attracts those who like mean spirited thinking. They like a God who slaughters billions so they can live. They like an organization that expells people for acting like sinners act. They enjoy calling people who reject their 'truth', 'goats'. They lap up comments from others that tear down instead of building up.

    I really think Jw's like being asses! And many of them joined and stay because they like the hatefulness promoted within

    Couldn't you say the same for any other fundamentalist religion, any other fundamentalist Christian, and political conservatives?

    When you believe you are right and only love the people who love you, you're bound to look like an arsehole to those you despise.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Couldn't you say the same for any other fundamentalist religion, any other fundamentalist Christian, and political conservatives?

    Nope. I know many persons from the groups you mention who treat others who disagree with thier perspective with respect.


  • JamesThomas

    Totally entombed within a smothering egoic structure whose walls are built of greed for a perfect body and life, and fear of death at the hand of their murderous deity, they are driven insane.

    What else can we expect from them but pathological behavior?

    I feel the best we can do for them is show our compassion and understanding; as hatred and bitterness never heal any ones ills.


  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Jeff I've have to agree with you 100%, there is a cultivation of hate and self righteous apathy toward others especially those that don't wear the shiny JW badge.

    It comes with the ideology that we're gods chosen people speak and every one else is Satan controlled evil, we are in the truth you are not and you are therefore evil. This arrogance

    gets developed within the character of the individual as they are being programed by the WTS.. The sad part of this scenario is the majority of the J-dubs by way of behavior and actions are

    most times worst people than the ones that they claim to be evil or unrighteous. This was one of many reasons that I left the religion and I was brought up one from birth, call it a culture of

    hypocrisy. The real truth is most if not all JWS are there to put a white sheet over themselves to make them look clean, the real dirt is just being hidden.

  • TwentyYearsOut

    I'm sure that some of the people in JW land are like that, but I believe that most are just afraid. Anyone who belongs to a cult will show these symptoms. I feel pitty for theses people.

  • changeling

    Not only are they mean spririted and fearful but I find many of them are so far "in" they have their own set of manners. Or should I say lack of. Many JW's have attrocious manners, especially when dealing with either "wordly" people or those who are not active in the cong. It's as if they feel morally superior to them and do not owe them common courtesy.


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