"Thy Kingdom Come..."

by AGuest 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    It doesn't look like crazy.

    Yes, but what does "crazy"... look like, dear Smells (and may you have peace!)?

    I draw no conclusions typically based on appearance.

    "Typically"... okaayyy...

    There are times when appearance is a clue to certain, thought processes of a person.

    Forgive me, but... you're kidding, right?

    If a message is "truth" than a whole bunch of ugly won't change that of course.

    Actually, I beg to differ, dear Smells... the fact that my Lord was ugly in the flesh is one of the very reasons why the Jews of that time rejected him: they were anticipating a tall, strapping, handsome "king" - what was sent to them was a very small, very ill, very ugly personage. They simply could not believe that the One God sent to them would be so... ummmmm... shall we say... "god-awful." So, they concluded that he couldn't be "messiah" and rejected him... as well as his message.

    I assume Jesus was of average looks, probably short, probably dusty at times.

    "Short," yes... and very small. Enough so that he could ride into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey (donkeys are very small animals themselves; have you ever seen the colt of one?). Enough so that he could slip away in crowds without anyone detecting him. A tall man (as he is often depicted) would not have been able to hide so easily.

    "Dusty?" Probably. But everyone was probably fairly dusty back then, as water was too great a commodity to waste on such things as bathing, at least on any regular basis. They of course bathed ceremonially, as well as "washed" in the Jordan from time to time, too. "Average looks" - no. Emphatically, no. In fact, he looked "afflicted." Diseased. A leper. This is because in healing people, he took their sins... into his body. That's why he said to the Pharisees that they would "no doubt" say to him... "Physician... heal thyself." Meaning, you're going around healing everyone else and yet, look at you - why don't you use your powers to heal your own body? When he healed someone, power would go out of him... and into them... and as a result his flesh would become weakened... because he took their disease into his flesh. Why? Because... he "want[ed]" to. That's why Romans 8:1 says God made him in the likeness... of sinFUL flesh... not sinLESS flesh... as many erroneously teach... and others erroneously believe. If his flesh was sinLESS, however, it would not have aged... and certainly would not have died. Flesh that is sinLESS has no sin IN it... nor can it be destroyed by death. My Lord came through a woman, however, Mary, who was sinFUL flesh. Although he inherited his SPIRIT from the Father... he got his flesh... from an earthly woman. Like Adam.
    AGuest, can you tell me, if you can, if there's any belief system, like if there's a denomination whose beliefs that resemble yours, or even a creed.

    There is no "religion," no "denomination," no "creed." There is only the Body of Christ, of which my Lord is the head... and we the Body. There is no "church" for us to go to... for we ARE the "church"... the congregation of the First Born. We... are "living stones" in the the spiritual "house" that is being built by Christ... and which God occupies... by spirit.

    Thus, my Lord is recorded to have said, "In my Father's house there are MANY abodes..." What did he mean by this? That in the House of God... ISRAEL of the SPIRIT... there are MANY dwelling places... MANY places for the Spirit of God to dwell. And that is how it works... how we hear... how we see... IF God dwells IN us. And He does so... by means of the Door... Christ. So that... "where two or more are gathered in [my Lord's] name... there HE is also." That is why he is recorded to have said, "If they say, 'he is out in the wilderness' do not go out..." What does this mean? It means that we... those who belong to Christ... are on a journey. To the "promised land"... the "place" where what is "in the heavens" (the spirit realm) and what is "on the earth" (the physical realm) come together. Where the inhabitants exist in BOTH... just as spirit beings always have. Initially, that was Eden. We have been cast out, however, through Adam... and restricted from entering... due to the long garment of skin we now have, flesh... with it's blood (versus God's blood, holy spirit)... which is NOT what Adam started out with. Because flesh... with it's blood... cannot enter into the kingdom of the heavens. Only the spirit that has put off such flesh can do so. Christ, however, has gone before us... or, rather, actually returned to the place from where he came (like Israel which, due to Jaboc and Joseph, came to Egypt) to prepare a place for us. HE... is in the "promised land" and by means of him we are SET FREE... from "Egypt"... i.e., enslavement... to the flesh. By means of his blood, we can leave such slavery and journey back "home" (the spirit realm from which all of the "seed of the woman" came forth). Problem is, because most cannot see... or hear... him... they believe he has abandoned us. Like Israel belived of Moses when he went up to get the Law. Because Moses was taking awhile, they assumed he was dead or worse and so built a calf and began to worship it. And some of us do the same thing: because we can't "see" the Master... or "hear" him... we turn to "golden calves" - religion, religious leaders, icons, images, etc. Or... we turn completely away. But our Lord has NOT left us abandoned in this "wilderness"... indeed, his gives us MANNA... every day. His flesh. And WATER [from the rockmass]... holy spirit. "Living" water. All we need do is eat... and drink... in FAITH. Not doubting. Not worrying. Not murmuring. Not complaining. But giving THANKS... and keeping our eyes on him. And him only. In doing so, we are led... through the wilderness... through the darkness... through uncertainty... through fear... around rough terrain... and out of the path of "wolves" and "lions." And the more we follow him... by FAITH... and NOT by sight... the more we can hear him... and the more visible he becomes. Until the Day... dawns clear!
    What do you fancy yourself besides a 'Slave of Christ?'

    A good-for-nothing slave of Christ. Truly. Anything that I do... for God... for His Son... and, thus, for His Household... is what I should have done. He gave his life for me; not the other way around. Before I even knew him. He... loved me. I am grateful and this little pittance of sharing what I hear could never repay him. And I don't do it as a repayment... as "works." I do it... because I love him... and he loves you... and it's the least I can do. For you.

    A prophet?

    A prophet is worthy of honor. A slave is not. I am a slave. Not because he made me one; because I offer myself as one. His... and yours.

    Do you believe you have a special mandate from God to warn people? I'm just curious.

    No, see, really, it doesn't work like that and so MANY have been misled by thinking it does. God does not mandate we do anything - He doesn't need anything from us! As my Lord said, if we didn't speak out, the rocks would cry out. So, God does not need us to tell anyone anything; indeed, He has a Son to do that and it is that One He gave authority to do so to!

    What has occurred is that I have received a gift from my Lord which allows me to hear into the spirit realm. I didn't ask for this gift - he said I was given it due to my faith. Okay, whatever. But I hear. What, am I supposed to keep what I hear to myself? And what will you say to me when it all comes to a head? You'll say, "Why didn't you tell me what you heard?" And can I say, "Well, because you wouldn't have listened?" No, because you will say, "You don't know that; you don't know if I would've listened. You should have told me anyway. IF YOU LOVED ME... you would have told me anyway because my life might have depended on it." Right? Soooooo... I share what I hear. Now, I get it that some can't quite get the "tone" they assume I'm using. But what such ones don't get is that IT IS NOT MY MESSAGE. I am only relating it EXACTLY AS I HEAR IT. Why? Because, in the event you DID want me to tell you, but I didn't tell you EXACTLY as I heard it, you would say, "Well, yeah, you told me... BUT YOU LEFT [THIS] OUT... or YOU PUT [THAT] in." I can do like others... sugar-coat it for you. Water it down. But then, that would be changing it, wouldn't it? And it would then be my message, wouldn't it, as opposed to what I actually heard? Right? So, again, I get where you and others come from, truly. But that really is not my problem. No one has to open any post that I make. I am not holding a gun to anyone's head. Nor is God or Christ. You (and others) open them... because you want to know the message. You do. You just don't want to accept it. So be it. Hear... or refrain. What you do with the message is not my concern. That you receive the message... is. Love... says it is my concern. I bid you the greatest of of love and peace. Your servant and a slave of Christ... to time indefinite... SA
  • eclipse

    Do you know JCanon?

    Are you married to him?

    I apologize for being nosy.

  • AGuest

    and may you have peace!

    Ummmm... noooo... I don't "know" JCanon... in any capacity other than by means of what he/she posts here. And I am certainly not married to him/her. Given my previous response (including that I would have to disagree with much of what he/she posts), is there some reason, beyond our "styles" that you ask again? I mean, I don't really understand the connection...



  • eclipse

    I'm sorry I asked.

    Peace be onto you as well.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    May we all have peace.

  • AGuest
    May we all have peace.



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