So Cal - DoYouListen to Tom Lykus?

by fedorE 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586
    We lost FreeFM here in San DIego and Phoenix... so I have to listen to him online, at the link Denise posted.

    Yeah man, I missed having his show on the radio. I really liked 103.7's programming, and was shocked when the station changed formats. More often than not, I would find myself agreeing with Tom on many subjects. I liked his ability to reduce shoddy arguments to rubble.

    I still listen occasionally to his show online.

  • animal

    Most women hate the show, and him.... he hits very close to home for many of them. I told my daughter, 16, to listen to him. My son and his GF dont like his show, which makes sense since his GF runs the show and they have 2 kids already. His comments are aimed at them, particularly.

    As for his show, and FreeFM, being taken off the air.... I would assume the thought police raised hell and had him pulled. There is a movement on the 'net to get him back on, but I quit following it.


  • Gregor

    I have listened to him and my problem with him is his advice for young men to "get all they can" (sex), through any means, without making a commitment to a young woman. This is not the way to a happy life. As the father of 3 daughters, I would cut his nuts off if he treated one of my girls like a kleenex. He has been married 4-5 times and frankly, he sounds a little bitter about women - I think the word is mysogynist.

  • owenfieldreams

    He used to come on at night about 8-9 years ago down here in Dixie, but his show was taken off the air and another conservative was put on, can't remember for sure but think it was Michael Reagan. As a conservative myself, believe it or not I actually liked listening to the guy--he was entertaining--I guess kinda like alot of liberals that I know like listening to Limbaugh. Air America should have put him in their lineup and then maybe they would not have gone belly up.

  • animal

    Many women call in and tell Tom how much they have learned from his telling men how to use women... and they now know what to look for and how to avoid it, or not. He aims his show at adults, not teens, so any decision an adult makes, is thier decision.

    Years back, Tom talked liberal politics on late night radio. I couldnt stand listening to him, way too left. What he does now is entertaining, and somewhat educational, to me.


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