Why did those 'paid off' by the WTS sign a deal to remain silent?

by jambon1 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    It is pretty standard practice to settle out of court if possible. In a case such as the WT abuse scandal, it saves the victims additional months of reliving the horrors they've gone through and being browbeaten by WT lawyers.

    There's plenty of evidence outside the specific settlement mentioned above to show the Watchtower's true colors when it comes to their pedophile protection program.



  • owenfieldreams

    If I had to guess, they only signed saying that they would keep the amount of the settlement confidential. This is common and is supposed to protect the defendant from copycat lawsuits.

  • skeeter1

    The settlement amount may be silent, but the attorneys know the amount. The same attorneys can sue again & represent new victims.

    The sharks likely have the WTS hostage.....it's like this....you paid $x million to keep it out of court......what's it worth now? I love lawyers!!


  • Seeker4

    The Society fought these cases and tried to have them dismissed every foot of the way. They lost several important decisions during this pre-trial time - so there were some huge strides there. As we know, they can no longer keep records the elders send to the WTS from the courts if the courts request them, and the courts also made clear that these cases have nothing to do with attacking freedom of religion.

    These are vitally important issues that will become clearer with time, and these cases provided that.

    When they knew things were not looking so good for them, the WTS made moves to settle.

    Now, if you'd had to deal with all the crap from being abused by a predator, and then being abused by your "brothers" from the WTS and their lawyers, wouldn't you like to walk away from all that with several hundred thousand dollars to a million dollars free and clear and get on with your life?

    I think I know what I'd do.

    This is likely far from the last battle in this particular war.


  • SirNose586
    The victims of these molestations have been put through enough emotional turmoil through the whole process. If they had gone to court with it, who knows how long it would have dragged out in the courts, thus producing even more months, maybe years of agony to these poor victims. Just think of how long the Catholic molestation lawsuits dragged on. I think it was between 5 to 10 years on some of the suits. Would you want to have your molestation constantly thrown in your face for upwards of however many years? Now , maybe you can understand why they settled. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    I agree, Mr. Flipper. After going through just one night of the unofficial kangaroo court, I wanted to do anything to get the hell out of there...so if these poor people just wanted to take the money and get the hell out, even with their mouths taped, I would certainly understand....

  • LongHairGal


    I am in agreement with most of the posts here that say the people had to get on with their lives and they had been through enough. Somebody on the outside looking in who has not been effected might think they were 'selling out' because they signed a confidentiality agreement but I don't think so.

    People have to resist the tendency to think that because somebody else is personally involved in a controversial issue that they should put themselves 'out there' for the public to see. This might be too much for some persons. I remember when Rudolf Nureyev was dying of AIDs there were people who were angry because he didn't come 'out of the closet' sooner and go public with his disease. Here the man is seriously ill with no strength and yet there were those who were criticizing him because he wasn't up to being front page news for their agenda.

    We have to have some compassion for these people. Don't worry though, because in time if there are enough of these cases, it won't remain secret for long.


  • stillconcerned

    In addition, please be aware that many of the abuse survivors who brought legal action READ these threads..

  • Finally-Free

    Life is short, and these victims have suffered more than anyone should ever have to. No amount of money can change that. I'm glad they received something that can help them today.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The watchtower has taken many cases to the Supreme Court to establish their "freedom of religion". The fact that they settled is monumental. A chink in their armor has been exposed. This is what is important. There will be many more cases and many more problems for the watchtower.

    I hope the ones involved with this round of lawsuits will try to get on with their lives and find some peace now. They certainly deserve it.

  • 144001
    Knowing that this silencing of victims is one of the WTS's main weapons of defence, why did the victims agree to remain silent? Is this not selling your soul to the WTS?

    I have never been the victim of sexual abuse, so it's impossible for me to completely understand the emotions that such victims experience. Nevertheless, despite its unfavorable reputation on this forum, the Watchtower does have the same rights that any other civil defendant has, and its exercise of such rights can be traumatic for those who have already been victimized. The purpose of the lawsuits is to force the Watchtower to compensate victims of abuse for the role it allegedly played in facilitating the acts of abuse. Since what has happened cannot be reversed, the best outcome our judicial system can achieve for these victims is monetary compensation for the physical and emotional injuries they have sustained.

    The purpose of the lawsuits is to help the victims. Financial settlements accomplish that objective while minimizing the inconvenience and discomfort such victims could experience if their cases went to trial. Confidentiality provisions in agreements that settle lawsuits are customary and used in almost every type of civil litigation. Insisting that a settlement not include a confidentiality provision would substantially reduce the likelihood that the cases could be settled prior to trial. It is rather insensitive to expect the victims of this abuse to take their cases all the way to trial in order to satisfy the desires of those who are unhappy with the WTS but were not victims of sexual abuse encouraged by WTS policies and/or conduct.

    Characterizing those who have settled their cases against the WTS as "selling their soul to the WTS" only adds to the emotional trauma experienced by these victims. These victims deserve empathy and support, not condemnation. They should be praised for having the courage to enforce their legal rights against the Goliath that is the WTS.

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