Wow! - What else did I never learn?

by Awakened07 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened07

    - Something else I was always taught, was that we were the only ones using the name Jehovah for God. I was very surprised the first time I saw someone on the web using the name Jehovah and he wasn't a JW. I wondered how Jehovah could allow that. Later I've found that there's a whole bunch of people who use Jehovah or Yahweh etc., some of them some real crackpots.

    For instance - one such group prophesied that the End would come on September 12th., 2006 in the form of a nuclear war, and advertised it quite a lot on YouTube. When nothing happened, they got "new light" (where did I hear that before?) that showed that it would start September 12th. 2006, but would end 9 months later. When June 12th. 2007 came and went, their leader had even more light, and whaddayaknow; it was forty more days. July 22nd. came and went. The world has ended I guess. Right now I have no idea what the group and their leader is up to. Anyway - that whole deal made me think.

    Feel free to add things to this thread that you didn't learn until after you got out.

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