Literal Death of God... what do you think?

by DeusMauzzim 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DeusMauzzim

    Dear all,

    Thanks for the insightful replies so far (and also for the link, Nvr!)

    @Brain Dead

    I totally understand your line of reasoning, because it is mine as well. But here are some questions and comments based on your post:

    Gods were created on the basis of human ignorance and imagination as it was thousands of years ago as it is today, over the centuries we've slowly and painfully gained knowledge of the world around us through discoveries and scientific conclusions.

    I agree that the gods as we know them (anthropomorphic) were created in our image. This is the projection thesis by Feuerbach. I also agree that the way to gain objective knowledge of the world is through the scientific method. This method results in propositions like "The earth is round / spherical" or "life changes through evolution". These propositions are objective because they are the same from every subject-position, that is, the subject-position is irrelevant. You can be a die-hard nay-saying creationist, but still you take part in the evolutionary process (oh irony :). You can look through a telescope on Mars and still the earth will be spherical.

    The door of this knowledge has just begun to open, look how far and how much we've gained in just the last century alone. I personally cherish the wisdom of the truth of knowledge and dealing with the reality of life as it presents itself, good or bad

    Agreed, when talking about objective knowledge. Also agreed that it is far better to take life as it is than to hide in some sort of fairy-world where the dead will be resurrected etc. My point is, however, that you are adopting a very narrow scope of knowledge, i.e only objective-technological. Objective knowledge describes the functioning of the world around us, but as subject-positions are irrelevant to it, it can not give meaning. That is because meaning requires a subject-position, a meaning-giver. It is subjective knowledge, knowledge that encompasses both object and subject. In short, you are measuring subjective knowledge on an objective scale. But subjective knowledge has its own truth, a resonating of images in your own psyche (truth-for-you!) Don't get me wrong, the proposition "God exists" is objective, because if he does, he does so for all. As this proposition can not be falsified, it is meaningless (I'm following the analytic tradition of philosophy here).

    If anyone thinks that human ignorance was not prevalent thousands of years ago, one really needs to do some in-deft history reading or read the bible, Torah, or any ancient religious manuscripts to prove my point

    Fully agreed, but once again only when taking the very narrow scope of objective knowledge. Of course the bible is wrong in the creation account, or saying that the sun stood still. But it can still have subjective meaning.

    Mysticism is imagination supported by ignorance in the human mind, this separates itself from reality and conclusion. Perhaps if men were to finally walk away from their gods and walk toward humanity together we would be better off, I think so. In my opinion the death of a god can only happen in the minds of the people who first created it.

    I have studied mysticism a lot, but I do not agree with you at all. It is kind of like reading a poem by Rumi (a famous Persian mystic) about God being universal love (notice that this is metaphor, not an analytical proposition), and saying: "this is meaningless, because God does not exist!". Analytically you are absolutely right, but poetically you're interpretation would be very empty: you are reading propositions where you should read metaphors. Poetry is the hallmark of subjective knowledge. The essence of poetry is metaphor. Ergo metaphor is the hallmark of subjective knowledge: taking one thing as a sign for another, resulting in deeper understanding by seeing the similarities.

    In conclusion, while not downplaying science at all, there are some pretty universal human themes that cannot be explained by science simply because they do not fall in the objective sphere of knowledge: poetry, the sacred, mysticism are some of these themes. I think it would be quite radical to just do away with these. It results in a loss of the sacred, defined as that-which-is-set-apart. It can be seen in our society today. Humans are an animal symbolicum , they not only need to know how things (like the sun, moon etc) function objectively, they must make them into symbols, signs, metaphors, to give meaning, to deepen our poetic understanding of the universe. I do not think this is primitive, I think it is what makes us truly human.

    Kind Regards,

    Deus Mauzzim

    (of the poetic-atheist class :)

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Hi Deus, read your post and found it interesting, thanks

  • Hortensia

    well, you've got me there, gently feral!

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    BD: Good Job!

    Well! I still believe that there is only one true Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ and all the past poetic, mystical, kabala, and evolution writings can not compare to the bible and GOD Almighty words. As a matter of fact, I do not even think mystical writings are as good as daily comic strips.

    Your fooling yourself by trying to convince yourself the writings are equal or better than the bible! I just laugh about it! I hooohumm them and shrug my shoulders and go right back to a good bible topic! I think mystical writings are not even as good as well the Harry Potter series. The bible on the other, you can read it over and over and still learn something new.

    Some people, I know think they are shocking others with their tatoos, taroo cards, mystical writings, and kabala. It is not

    Literal Death of God...Almighty God lives forever...false gods,mystical writings, are just sticks and stones and I do not care about them.

    shocking, it is a choice. Most of these people have never read the bible! One does need to read the bible to make some sort of conclusions regarding God after all that is where he is known all those other books are false.

    I can not understand people who walk away from churches and from God Almighty? When someone reads mystical writings to find God it is just silly! Your only fooling yourself.

    I think mystical writings falls under turning against the holy spirit.

  • DeusMauzzim

    @ Sarah Smiles:

    Well! I still believe that there is only one true Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ and all the past poetic, mystical, kabala, and evolution writings can not compare to the bible and GOD Almighty words. As a matter of fact, I do not even think mystical writings are as good as daily comic strips.

    Assertions, no reasoning. By the way what "mystical writings" do you mean? All books except the bible?

    Your fooling yourself by trying to convince yourself the writings are equal or better than the bible! I just laugh about it! I hooohumm them and shrug my shoulders and go right back to a good bible topic! I think mystical writings are not even as good as well the Harry Potter series. The bible on the other, you can read it over and over and still learn something new.

    Ad hominem argument, superiority argument, assertions, no reasoning.

    Literal Death of God...Almighty God lives forever...false gods,mystical writings, are just sticks and stones and I do not care about them.

    Then why do you post on this topic?

    shocking, it is a choice. Most of these people have never read the bible! One does need to read the bible to make some sort of conclusions regarding God after all that is where he is known all those other books are false.

    That's why "these people" hold university positions etc: they just never read the bible! (for your convenience: this is irony) As for me, I read it in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Sorry if this sounds arrogant but this sort of sweeping statements really piss me off, thank you. By the way, do you even know what the documentary hypothesis is? (

    I can not understand people who walk away from churches and from God Almighty? When someone reads mystical writings to find God it is just silly! Your only fooling yourself.

    Perhaps you should READ more then. Again assertions, ad hominem arguments.

    I think mystical writings falls under turning against the holy spirit.

    Interesting hermeneutics

    Dear Sarah Smiles: Did you leave the Witnesses only recently? You still sound like one of them: crude, judgemental, illogical, simplistic. Just because you don't "understand people" who have thought and read more than you doesn't mean you are free to judge them.

    Kind Regards,

    Deus Mauzzim

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    People have the right to believe what they want to read! I for myself choice to believing in the doctrines of the HOLY bible and JEHOVAH GOD THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND HIS SON JESUS!

    You know what they say?

    Without faith it is impossible to believe in God, well! smile.

    Have a good day!

  • Sasha

    Nonsense. Can't you see (If you read the Bible) all things coming to pass?

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