Prayer a Waste of Time?

by WTWizard 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    Praying to a Higher Being is perfectly fine if you prefer to be in the role of a dependent child, but, umm, if you are uncomfortable with this kind of developmental dependency, you could try becoming more of an adult.

    Instead of needing to ask "Daddy" for everything or getting his approval, acquire the skills to take responsibility for your own life decisions:

    Face life squarely, whatever comes your way.

  • unique1

    It may be a waste of time. I have been praying for all those starving, going thirsty and homeless to be given at the very least the basic necessities of life. Nothing has happened yet.

  • steve2

    One of my colleagues at the hospital where I work is an ardent Christian. She swears that "the Lord" ensures she has a parking space for her car when she arrives late to work (parking spaces are limited - you have to arrive early to get them).

    Meanwhile, across town, a mother and her child were recently brutally murdered in their home. By my colleague's warped reasoning, "the Lord" was able to ensure she safely gets a parking space, but was unable to take the time and effort to ensure the mother and child's wellbeing. In defence of the Lord, I guess He can't ensure eveyone else's safety and wellbeing, because He's too busy ensuring that his loyal followers get parking spaces. Ah, what it must be like to be in receipt of the Lord's blessings!

  • LearningToFly

    I prayed honestly, and whole heartedly as a child, up until age 20. I used to pray as a child, holding my bible, for God to help me, and make bad things go away. Such a fool I was to believe that my prayers would be answered, but I did believe then it was the thing to do.

    I now do not pray, but I do believe in a more new age thought that there is power of the mind, so I send out love and white light to the universe.

    "I now send out love and white light to all here in this forum"


  • Terry

    I shelve so many books at work on the "Power" of prayer."

    Stormie Omartian has made an industry out of these books.

    Prayer is the only way of absolutely testing whether or not God exists and testing what Jesus said as being true.

    It fails utterly!

    Christians are the first to discover this.

    It is the dirty little secret of Christianity.

    You have to use a giant filter on your thinking.

    ANYTHING AT ALL that turns out well is God answering a prayer.

    EVERYTHING BAD is not God, but, Satan.

    In other words, you disable your rational cognitive powers and refuse to allow proof positive to alert you and you are home free.

    I'd love to gather the most ardent praying believers in Yankee Stadium for a prayer TEST.

    A large collection of logs would be placed in the center and doused with water. Then, prayer would commence for God to demonstrate His power by lighting the logs.

    p.s. This test was performed in the Old Testament and worked like a charm!

    Any takers?

    (sound of crickets.......)

  • Stealth453

    Prayer a waste of time?

    In my opinion.....YES.

  • changeling

    Once, when my daughter was an anrgy teenager lashing out at her JW parents, she said: "Prayer is just like a pep talk you give yourself".

    I never forgot that comment, it made me think.

    Today, my agnostic self thinks how smart my child was. And that now grown child is an active Jdub. Go figure!


  • Gregor

    Once, when my daughter was an anrgy teenager lashing out at her JW parents, she said: "Prayer is just like a pep talk you give yourself".

    I never forgot that comment, it made me think.

    Yes, your daughter was wise beyond her years. The practice of "prayer" can be helpful but not because some fickle god decided to make a parking space for you and let a baby die of heat suffocation two cars over. Positive self talk (a better name for prayer) is healthy. Helps to put your concerns and worries in perspective, be honest with yourself about your weaknesses, etc. If it makes you feel better at the end of your little chat with yourself to say "In Jesus name. Amen" that's your choice.

    PS.- my 2 yr old grandaughter has long talks on a disconnected telephone and really enjoys it

  • r.a.m.

    Jesus prayed to God for "this cup" to pass away from him. He didn't really want to die, but he said that whatever God's will was, to let that happen. If God is willing to let his own son be brutally murdered, why should we expect any better? If I honestly believe that I deserve better that Jesus, then I must think pretty highly of myself. I ask, believe I'll receive, and if it isn't the right thing for me, then so be it.

    I used to think that all good was from God and all bad was from satan. I do believe the first part. And some of the second part. Sure satan can temp us and try us, but God allows it to happen and it makes us strong if we don't fall for the lie that God allowed it because he doesn't care. He cared for his son, but allowed Jesus to die for us. Light doesn't need to argue with darkness. This is truth.

  • Cheetos

    I know where you going with your post, the witness idea basically like most things they view as truth is that Jehovah will not be close to you but you have to be close to him, that is what I always felt anyway.

    I have found after getting far away from them and not heeding everything the GB says, is that Jehovah is near to those who call upon him in trueness" and he can and does get personal with you in answering your prayers, do not cut Jehovah short, cause your depriving your self of many wonderful moments.

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