New Family Crackdowns

by WTWizard 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • saywhat29

    I collected comic books since I was... 11, or 10. I had so many damn comic books, you know? I figured they were safe, they were cartoons. Then, after one damn talk from a brother, my mother and grandmother went through all of my stuff. And they tossed it out- no wait, they made ME toss it out.

    Do you know the feeling of making a really geeky socially awkward kid who had been collecting comics for years- throw his own collection into the garbage. I cried. i felt like a loser for crying, but that was mine, you know? i was so proud of my collection.

    And I never collected another comic again- I have a few spare i have , just to see whose dead or crazy now and then, but the joy had never been recaptured.

    God, I can't believe I forgot about that- i just blocked it out and swallowed the same bile. "Demons are in the house and its because of the comics... Satan is inside of them."

    Actually Satan did make a guest star in one of them, but just one damn issue out of hundreds of comics!

    Thanks to my ipod, my mother can't really go through my music anymore, but before- yeah she would check out my cds and get rid of anything demonic or demand I tear of covers and stuff.

  • mentalclearness

    I just remembered that when i got in trouble as a teenager the elders made me take off my grateful dead sticker from my car to show my "repentance"....

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