Watchtower crackdowns 2007 recap

by drew sagan 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    So I've been thinking about many of the different things the WTS has put into effect this year in keep their strong hold on the flock:

    - A new edition of the Watchtower for JWs only that uses all of their insider terminology.

    - Individuals who are disfelloshipped, dissassociated, or have ceased association with the congregation should not receive the current literature.

    - Public talks will be reduced to 30 minutes in order to cut out extra information being inserted into the outlines by the Elders.

    - The Watchtower study conductor should not ask any other questions other than those presented in the paragraphs.

    - Groups that study the Bible independently from WTS arrangements are not permitted.

    I wonder what will be next....

  • purplesofa

    No Breathing

  • Tara

    Wasn't independent bible study among Bethelites the beginning of the end for Ray Franz? Perhaps they are going to start a massive disfellowshipping move again and clean house (congregations), thereby getting rid of all the independent thinkers again.

  • KW13

    scary putting those things together isnt it? seeing what is going on, its clear they are doing their best to minimize any damage but i do think that it will squeeze to tightly and the ones who are considering leaving, will jump - there is a constant factor working against that organization and that is, they are in the wrong.

    unfortunately new people are upstairs in the top who are as decieved as the rank and file, people who dont understand the real why...i am certain of it.

  • Nulite

    I think next they will completely eliminate the New Testament and return to Old Testament style stonings for all trangressors.


  • WTWizard

    This is one thing I cannot answer with any reliability. But one thing I can reliably answer: It sure is going to be one miserable cult to belong to. And they will be on edge as to what is next to be banned. Will it be a requirement for children to drop out of high school as soon as it's legal to do so? Will it be no more coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate? Will it be the requirement to will all money to the Puketower Society? Will they set formal time frames for work and sleep? Will they start formally recapturing faded Witlesses? No one can answer that for sure until they put it into effect.

    And, if they start out soft, it will be even more unpredictable. They will get complacent that it isn't all that bad, and then BAM! They get hit with something that is obscenely ridiculous. I think they are going to have one mighty mess to deal with. And if they start pulling stunts to harm former members and their reputation, I am hoping they are going to have a ton of embarrassment to deal with for that--even with the recapture effort, I hope it results in a ton of news exposure and embarrassment that they do not want. Ditto if they try to ban education (or require people to drop out of high school), health care, or limit work and sleep. Hopefully they will pay for it with embarrassment.

  • ninja
    ninja to manufacture your own cyanide for the "new and final light"

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Don't forget the explict instructions to not wear jeans, shorts, ect when dining out after the district conventions. Also, that you should always wear your name tag. These were couched as suggestions in the past but were written as commandments this year. By the way, this was not followed very well where I went to the DC.

  • Mary

    I think promoting implants will be their next 'new light'. And I ain't talking breast implants either.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Don't forget the explict instructions to not wear jeans, shorts, ect when dining out after the district conventions. Also, that you should always wear your name tag. These were couched as suggestions in the past but were written as commandments this year. By the way, this was not followed very well where I went to the DC.

    I totally forgot!

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