I'm mad as hell (New Here)

by Miss Bliss 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum

  • changeling

    Welcome Miss Bliss!


  • Seeker4


    I'm a fellow New Englander - Vermont. Former elder, pioneer, etc. I had a bunch of JW relatives in Maine. I'll PM you and see if you knew any.

    Glad to have you here.


  • greendawn

    Welcome, some people are not critical but rather docile and do not question things. Those that begin to question soon leave at least mentally if not physically. That's why the FDS has mind conditioned them into closing their minds on anything that smacks of criticism.

  • Miss Bliss
    Miss Bliss

    I would have closed my mind but then I would have imploded and I don't think my parents would have liked that to much... Har Har....

    I was questioning things around the age of 5, I asked a lot of questions. It's funny because when I told my parents that was it I was out and never going back they told me they always knew from the time that I was little that I wouldn't stay because I asked to many questions and was attracted to the "dark side" whatever that means. Kind of to bad my mother didn't listen to how strange her comment was like if someone asked to many questions they would see through the lies and yet she questions nothing herself Hmmmm...

  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, Miss Bliss.


  • skeeter1

    Welcome, you are entering the true "no spin" zone....


  • GoingGoingGone

    Welcome MissBliss!

    And congrats on leaving so early on! Stick around here, you'll learn more about the WTS than you ever thought you could!


  • Hortensia


    your parents sound wonderful! I am envious. Glad to hear from you - tell your parents Hortensia says Hi.

  • Alana

    Welcome to the Board! Your mom sounds a bit like mine, in the sense that she can't really express what SHE thinks or believes without getting flustered and having to say that she believes how "the Society" does.....my mom is in her 80's now and after having her decisions made for her and her beliefs indoctrinated in her for over 50 years now, I truly don't think she knows HOW to think on her own anymore. It's really such a pity.

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