in the beginning... When did you realise it was the truth ?

by AlphaOmega 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlphaOmega

    Sorry to do this... and apologies to minimus for pinching his posting style but...

    A JW friend of mine was speaking about the moment that witnesses "realise that it's the truth". They didn't say anymore... so I guess that they feel there is a pattern ??

    I thought that I'd ask here.

    Did it start by going to meetings first for the "fellowship and lifestyle" and the "biblical bits" followed later (hence accepting the teachings as you accepted the congregation first) ?

    Or did something else happen?

    Thanks and sorry for being nosey


  • ninja

    when I saw all the nice looking girls at the hall

  • TheListener

    I was raised in the truth as were my parents. I didn't get a chance to have that AHA! moment.

    Well, I did but it was when I realized it wasn't the truth.

  • Effervescent

    I was raised in it... so it was a gradual brainwashing for me.

    It always strikes me when the term "The Truth" is used though. It's almost creepy how it's used as a proper name for the religion. My Mom has been out and DFd for over 20 years and still refers to it as "The Truth". This term is almost like a secret handshake I think.

  • sparrow

    I agree with Effervescent - I was raised in it and (and I posted this a minute ago on another thread) I respected and believed my parents and never had the reason to question. Until I was DF'd...

  • Terry

    Here is the odd fact. I was never won over as an event in time. My inclusion was a passage through the cell walls in a sort of gradual social osmosis.

    I just kept going to the Kingdom Hall. Mostly this was due to the fact my best friend's dad (and his family) would show up at my house to collect me

    for attendance. I had nothing else penciled in on my social calendar (so to speak) and I'd go with them.

    After a few years of this--PRESTO!

    I was inside more than I was outside.

    Then, a gradual expectation was evidenced for me to become baptised.

    It was viewed as the next step. It was an inevitability more than a request.

    This was back in the old days, by the way.

    I was absorbed. I never joined.

  • Seeker4

    Yeah, I was absorbed in it too. It was something I could sink a very active and aggresive intelligence into in my pre-teen and teen years.

    But, I also have to say that I had a pretty accurate assessment of the fact that WTS theology had some serious holes in it. I remember stating to another brother something to the effect of I could easily see this system going on for another 20 years, and this was when I was in my early 20s and it was prior to 1975.

    He reacted as though I were an apostate!

    Well, here it is 30-plus years later and I was right - and now I am an apostate!


  • changeling

    I had no begining. Born and raised in it. Even though I was a "good witness" I realize now that my heart was never in it. I just did what I was programmed to do. I saw the light when I did my reasearch on the UN issue. When I realized it was all true, that was my Ahhh moment.


  • FreedomFrog

    I wasn't born into it, though a good chunk of my life was being raised in it. My parents joined when I was around 6 or 7. At that time I felt something "wrong" about it. I remember my parents would say "you should be thankful because the Truth was given to you on a silverplatter when many has to struggle to get in"... Sort of like "eat your brussel sprouts, there are many kids starving in this world today"

  • emptywords

    I was born into a family of child abusers and religious hypocrites, I hated religion but believed in a God a loving God I could never not. So when someone called on my door with the Kingdom hope I was open to it, I had just came back from seeing the movie, The Exocist, oh that was a turn around for me. At the time i was into the Eric von Dinikin shit, The Chariots of The Gods, I really believed it, until Crash goes the Gods came out.

    Long very long story (which by the way is fasinating) cut short, I studied got baptised and threw up a few times, but one thing that always made me fell uncomfortable was this elitism. I hate the I am better than anyone that is so prominate in the org............just a few notes.


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