Do you believe in the rapture?

by Save My Soul 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Obviously many of the WT teachings that we have embraced are not authentic. Do you have any new beliefs that you have acquired since being enlightened?

    I recently saw a video regarding the rapture. It initially showed how God created the heavens and earth, then it cut to today's times. It highlighed all of the evil in the world, then concluded with a preacher giving a sermon that Jesus could come in a month, he could even come...............

    There was a loud noise and his bible fell to the floor. About 10% of the parishinors were left behind. It was based on Matthew 24:30,31. I do not recall anything from 24:23-33 being ever read at the KH. Although we always isolated 24:3-14, 34 and 36.

    What are you beliefs on these scriptures, the rapture or any other changes in your belief system?

  • IP_SEC
  • JK666

    No, I don't.


  • gaiagirl

    I believe that the writings describing what is now called "The Rapture" were nothing more than wishful thinking of a handful of Jewish folks who were resentful that "their lands" were under the rule of the Roman Empire, and longed to see that Empire fall from power. Greco-Roman mythology describes a "Rapture-like" event at the death of Hercules. Does it seem reasonable to believe that this really happened? IMHO, nothing remotely resembling "The Rapture" can reasonably be expected to occur during anyones lifetime, now or at any time in the future. The same can be said with regard to "Armageddon" and all other Christian predictive mythology. It just isn't going to happen, because the most basic premise of the belief system is based onf false assumptions.

  • nvrgnbk
  • greendawn

    Biblically the rapture is a valid event and one that strangely the JWs ignore. According to Paul during the last day the dead saints will be resurrected and the living saints will be taken up with them in heavens at the same time after their human bodies get transformed to spiritual ones.

  • IP_SEC
    They sound a little bit like the Cure.

    Dude The Cure is in my top 10!

  • nvrgnbk
    Dude The Cure is in my top 10!


  • B_Deserter

    i was never satisfied with the Witness refutation of the rapture. Of course I don't believe in God so I don't believe in the rapture, but if I did, I can't say I wouldn't believe in it.

  • changeling

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