JWS and Ex JWS....Is the Mark of the Beast taught in the Hall?

by A-Team 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    A-Team they got their information from a book What Americans Believe and How They Worship BY J. Paul Williams LOL a quote with in the book from Carlton J.F. Hayes. NO I did not see this before!

    See Reve book on page 194 in small print at the bottom of the page. It states, "Commentators have noted that nationalisem, in effect, is a religion..... "

  • emptywords

    I've personally always believed that the 666 was the mark of the beast and those that have it indirectly or directly worship the beast (Mth 4: 8-10) seeing satan owns and controls these governments by becomming involved in certain things that are part of the gov: one recieves the mark of the beast, therefore one becomes a worshiper of satan, as it is either Satans kingdom or Jehovahs Kingdom.

    The WTBTS and its GB must have or had the mark of the beast, because of its involvement with the UN.

    but that is not founded on any proof of course, just a humble oppinion.

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