Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-29-07 WT Study (Wonderfully Made)

by blondie 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-29-07 WT Study (June 15, 2007, pages 21-25)((Wonderfully Made) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations


    "In a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made."--Psalm 139:14.


    What do these 2 scriptures have to do with today's article, or not have to do?

    (1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.

    mind of Christ

    (1 Corinthians 2:14-16) 14 But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually. 15 However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man. 16 For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.


    Q1) Why do many thinking people credit God for earth's wonders?

    That must mean all the people who do not "credit God for earth's wonders" are nonthinking people.

    The natural world is filled with wonderful creations. How did they come to be? Some believe that the answer can be found without referring to an intelligent Creator. Others hold that arbitrarily ruling out a Creator limits our ability to understand nature. They believe that earth's creatures are far too complex, too varied and, you might say, too wonderful to have originated by chance. To many people, some scientists included, the evidence shows that the universe had a wise, powerful, and benevolent Maker.* (*See the June 22, 2004, issue of Awake! published by Jehovah's Witnesses.)

    Who are these people "some believe," "others hold," "they believe," "many people, some scientists"? How many people have access to or would look up this article.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are in the publishing business?

    Q2) What moved David to praise Jehovah?

    King David of ancient Israel was one who was convinced that a Maker deserves praise for His wonderful creations. Although David lived long before today's scientific era, he perceived that he was surrounded by marvelous examples of God's creative work. David needed only to consider his own makeup to be profoundly awed by God's creative ability. "I shal laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made," he wrote. "Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware."--Psalm 139:14.

    OT example--David...cannot "praise Jesus" Where's Jesus?

    Q3,4) Why is it important for each of us to think seriously about Jehovah's works? Where's Jesus?

    David gained this strong conviction by thinking seriously. Today, school curriculums and the media are replete with faith-destroying theories about man's origin. For us to have faith like that of David, we too must think seriously. We cannot afford to let others think for us, especially on such fundamental issues as the existence and role of a Creator.

    thinking seriously--do jws think seriously or do others do their thinking for them? How many research apart from the WT publications?

    school curriculums and the media are replete (full of) with faith-destroying theories--why not forbid jws going to public schools, homeschooling and WTS schools instead? Are these alternatives pushed by the WTS? No.


    Does this sound like the WTS lets its members do their own thinking?

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood *** Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    Do you have a similar favorite quote from the WTS publications?

    4) Moreover, contemplating Jehovah's works strengthens our appreciation for him and gives us confidence in his promises for the future. That in turn, can motivate us to get to know Jehovah even better and to serve him. Let us therefore consider how modern science has confirmed David's conclusion that we are "wonderfully made."

    Where's Jesus...what about "our appreciation for him"...getting to know Jesus even better. Is the WTS like Peter, denying that they "know Jesus"?

    1 Corinthians 2:16 (New International Version)
    "For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?"
    But we have the mind of Christ.
    Philippians 3:8-10 (Amplified Bible)
    Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One),
    9And that I may [actually] be found and known as in Him, not having any [self-achieved] righteousness that can be called my own, based on my obedience to the Law's demands (ritualistic uprightness and supposed right standing with God thus acquired), but possessing that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ (the Anointed One), the [truly] right standing with God, which comes from God by [saving] faith.
    10[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [[a]which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]

    CARROT: promises for the future

    Will the WTS give the names, credentials, and sources of quotes from modern science?

    Our Marvelous Physical Development

    Q5,6) (a) How did all of us begin life? (b) What role do our kidneys play?

    5) "You yourself produced my kidneys; you kept me screened off in the belly of my mother." (italics) (Psalm 139:13) All of us began our existence inside our mother's body as a single cell smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. That microscopic cell was extremely complex--a miniature chemical laboratory! It grew rapidly. By the end of your second month in the womb, your major organs were already formed. Among them were your kidneys. When you were born, your kidneys were ready to filter your blood supply--removing toxins and excess water but retaining useful substances. Your two kidneys, if healthy, filter the water in your blood--about five quarts in an adult--every 45 minutes!

    How many jws have ever used or even touched such a microscope?

    What about those fertilized outside the body and implanted......a whole field of science ignored.

    Were jws always allowed to use kidney dialysis because the blood flowed outside the body?

    *** w78 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers *** What about a device such as a heart-lung pump or a dialysis (artificial kidney) machine? Might a Christian use such?
    There are Christian witnesses of Jehovah who, with a good conscience, have allowed these devices to be used, provided that the machines were primed with a nonblood fluid, such as Ringer’s lactate solution.
    When this sort of device is operating, the patient’s blood flows from a blood vessel through tubing and the machine (where it is pumped, oxygenated and/or filtered) and then flows back into his circulatory system. The machine temporarily performs some of the functions normally handled by the patient’s own organs.
    Some Christians have conscientiously reasoned that the blood is flowing continuously and that the external circuit might be viewed as an extension of the circulatory system. They have considered it comparable to a piece of tubing that might be implanted in the body to shunt blood around a blockage in a vessel.
    Of course, each Christian should weigh what is involved in the use of these and similar devices. He could consider whether he views the blood involved to be blood that clearly has left his body and so should be disposed of or as blood that, basically, is still part of his circulatory system. (Deut. 12:16) Then he can make a decision that will leave him with a clear conscience before God.—1 Pet. 3:16.

    6) Your kidneys also help control the mineral content of your blood as well as its acidity and pressure. They perform many other vital functions, such as converting vitamin D to an active form necessary for proper bone development and producing the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production in your bones. No wonder the kidneys have been called "the master chemists of the body"!* (*See also "Your Kidneys--A Filter for Life," in the August 8, 1997, issue of Awake!)

    Did you know that from 1967 to 1980, a jw wanting to remain in good standing with the WTS could not have a kidney transplant, it was considered cannabalism and a disfellowshipping offense?

    How many jws know that using erythropoietin is allowed by the WTS for jws? How many know that it is not useful in acute medical situations when blood is flowing out like water of the person?

    *** w94 10/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers *** Currently a small amount of albumin is also used in injections of the synthetic hormone EPO (erythropoietin). (could jws always use albumin without it being a judicial matter?)
    *** w61 11/1 p. 669 Questions From Readers *** For example, a label may say that a certain product contains albumin. Does that mean that it contains a blood fraction? Look up the word albumin in a good reference book, perhaps an encyclopedia in your local library or even a good dictionary. You will learn that albumin is found, not only in blood serum, but also in milk and eggs. The only way to find out the source of the albumin in the particular product in question is to make inquiry of those who prepare it. However, if the label says that certain tablets contain hemoglobin, similar checking will reveal that this is from blood; so a Christian knows, without asking, that he should avoid such a preparation.

    Q7,8) (a) Describe an unborn baby's early growth. (b) In what way is a developing baby "woven in the lowest parts of the earth"?

    7) "My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was woven in the lowest parts of the earth." (italics) (Psalm 139:15) The original cell divided, and the new cells continued to divide. Soon the cells began to differentiate, or specialize, to become nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells, and so forth. Cells of the same type grouped together to form tissues and then organs. For instance, during the third week from conception, you began to develop a skeletal system. By the time you were just seven weeks old and only about an inch long, early forms of all 206 of your adult bones were in place, although they had not yet ossified,or turned into hard bone.

    Imagine this miracle and yet the WTS teaches that all unborn babies, babies, and young children of people who are not jws will be destroyed eternally at Armageddon with the blessing of God and the support of the WTS and its members, even praying daily for it.

    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium *** Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the “flesh” that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.

    8) This amazing developmental process took place within your mother's womb, hidden from human sight as if buried deep in the earth. Indeed, much about how we develop remains unknown to man (and woman). What, for example, activated specific genes in your cells to set in motion the process of differentiation? (what does stem cell research play in this?) Science may eventually find out, but as David next observed, our Maker--Jehovah--has fully understood it all along (but not shared that information).

    This is as close as many jws let them get to science filtered through the WT and Awake, Life Science 101, WTS style.

    Q9,10) How is the formation of an embryo's parts "down in writing" in God's "book"?

    Q9) "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them." (italics) (Psalm 139:16) Your first cell contained the complete plan for your entire body. This plan guided your development during your nine months in the womb before birth and then through more than two decades of growth to adulthood. During this time,your body passed through many stages, all directed by the information programmed into that original cell.

    jws will have the illusion that they are studying the bible, verse by verse, but only the WTS comments will be studied. Have you ever read the comments from a Bible commentary on this verse or the comments or another non-jw source?

    Verse 16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect. While as yet the vessel was upon the wheel the Potter saw it all. The Lord knows not only our shape, but our substance: this is substantial knowledge indeed. The Lord's observation of us is intent and intentional,—"Thine eyes did see." Moreover, the divine mind discerns all things as clearly and certainly as men perceive by actual eye sight. His is not hearsay acquaintance, but the knowledge which comes of sight. And in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. An architect draws his plans, and makes out his specifications; even so did the great Maker of our frame write down all our members in the book of his purposes. That we have eyes, and ears, and hands, and feet, is all due to the wise and gracious purpose of heaven: it was so ordered in the secret decree by which all things are as they are. God's purposes concern our limbs and faculties. Their form, and shape, and everything about them were appointed of God long before they had any existence. God saw us when we could not be seen, and he wrote about us when there was nothing of us to write about. When as yet there were none of our members in existence, all those members were before the eye of God in the sketch book of his foreknowledge and predestination.
    This verse is an exceedingly difficult one to translate, but we do not think that any of the proposed amendments are better than the rendering afforded us by the Authorized Version. The large number of words in italics will warn the English reader that the sense is hard to come at, and difficult to express, and that it would be unwise to found any doctrine upon the English words; happily there is no temptation to do so. The great truth expressed in these lines has by many been referred to the formation of the mystical body of our Lord Jesus. Of course, what is true of man, as man, is emphatically true of Him who is the representative man. The great Lord knows who belong to Christ; his eye perceives the chosen members who shall yet be made one with the living person of the mystical Christ. Those of the elect who are as yet unborn, or unrenewed, are nevertheless written in the Lord's book. As the form of Eve grew up in silence and secrecy under the fashioning hand of the Maker, so at this hour is the Bride being fashioned for the Lord Jesus; or, to change the figure,—a body is being prepared in which the life and glory of the indwelling Lord shall for ever be displayed. The Lord knoweth them that are his: he has a specially familiar acquaintance with the members of the body of Christ; he sees their substance, unperfect though they be.

    10) David had no knowledge of cells and genes, being without even a microscope. But he correctly discerned that the development of his own body attested to advance planning. David may have had some knowledge of how embryos develop, so he could reason each step must take place according to a preexisting design and timetable. In poetic language, he described this design as being "down in writing" in God's "book."

    So based on what information could the WTS say, "David may have had some knowledge of how embryos develop"?

    Q11) How did we come to have our physical characteristics?

    11) Today, it is know that characteristics you inherited from your parents, and forebears--such as your height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits--were determined by your genes. Each of your cells contains tens of thousands of genes, and each gene is part of a long chaing made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Building instructions for your body are "written" in the chemical structure of your personal DNA. Every time your cells divide--to make new cells or to replace old cells--your DNA passes those instructions on, thereby keeping you alive and maintaining your basic appearance. What an outstanding example of the power and wisdom of our heavenly Maker!

    Now the average jw will think they have had a deep scientific discussion, whereas this is something most 5th graders already know. I wonder how the readers will wrap their tongue around, "deooxyribonucleic"?

    Our Unique Mind

    Q12) What especially sets humans apart from animals?

    12) "So, to me how much precious your thoughts are! O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand." (italics) (Psalm 139: 17,18a) Animals too are wonderfully made, and some possess certain senses and abilities that exceed those of humans. But God gave humans mental faculties that far surpass those of any animal. "As similar as we humans are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth's life forms in ou ability to use language and thought," notes one science textbook. "We are also unique in our profound curiosity about ourselves: How are we put together physically? How were we formed?" These are question that David likewise pondered.

    What science textbook are they quoting from? Who wrote it and when?

    From SCIENCE FOR ALL AMERICANS by American Association for the Advancement of Science. Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 by American Association for the Advancement of Science. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.

    Did the WTS ask for permission, or even give credit for the quote?

    Q13) (a) How could David meditate on God's thoughts? (b) How can we follow David's example? (Where's Jesus?)

    13) Most important, in contrast with animals, we are unique in our ability to contemplate God's thoughts.* (*The words of David at Psalm 139:18 seem to mean that if he spent all day until he fell asleep at night counting Jehovah's thoughts, upon awakening in the morning, he would still have more to count.) This special gift is one of the ways that we are made "in God's image." (Genesis 1:27) David made good use of this gift. He meditated on the evidence of God's existence and the good qualities reflected in the earth around him. David also had the early books of the Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations by God about himself and his works (why not "Himself" and "His works"?). These inspired writings helped David to understand God's thoughts, personality, and purpose. Meditating on the Scriptures, on creation, and on God's dealings with him moved David to praise his maker.

    But can humans understand God's thoughts without the help of the WTS? (see quote above)

    Are women made in God's image per the WTS or in man's image?

    What Faith Involves

    Q14) Why do we not need to know everything about God in order to have faith in him (why not "Him"?)?

    14) The more David contemplated creation and the Scriptures, the more he realized that comprehending the full range of God's knowledge and ability was beyond his grasp. (Psalm 139:6) The same is true of us. We will never understand everything about all of God's creative works. (Ecclesiastes 3:11; 8:17) But God has 'made manifest' enough knowledge through the Scriptures (and the WTS study 'aids') and in nature to enable truth-seekers living in any era to acquire faith that is based on evidence.--Romans 1:19,20; Hebrews 11:1,3.


    Does that mean that Jesus does not understand everything about all of God's creative works?

    Do you have questions about the creation account that are basic and contradict true science? Does the WTS teach a theistic evolution?

    Q15) Illustrate how faith and our relationship with God are linked.

    15) Having faith involves more than merely acknowledging that life and the universe must have had an intelligent Source. It includes trusting in Jehovah God as a person--a person who wants us to get to know him and to maintain a good relationship with him. (James 4:8) We might think of the fiath and trust one has in a loving father (or mother?). If a skeptic questioned whether your father would really help you in a crisis, you might not be able to convince him that your father is trustworthy. If through experience you have accumulated evidence of your father's good character, however, you can be confident that he will not let you down. Similarly, coming to know Jehovah by studying the Scriptures, contemplating creation, and experiencing his help in answer to our prayers moves us to trust in him. It makes us want to learn ever more about him and to praise him forever out of unselfish love and devotion. That is the most noble purpose that anyone can pursue.--Ephesians 5:1,2.

    trusting in Jehovah--where's Jesus?

    coming to know Jehovah--where's Jesus?

    studying the Scriptures--cannot understand though without the help of the WTS

    Seek Our Maker's Guidance!

    Q16) What can we learn from David's close relationship with Jehovah?

    16) "Search through me, O God, and know my heart. Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts, and see whether there is in me any painful way, and lead me in the way of time indefinite." (italics) (Psalm 139:23,24) David was aware that Jehovah already knew him throughly--everything that he thought, said, or did was within the scope of his Maker's view. (Psalm 139:1-12; Hebrews 4:13) Such intimate knowledge on God's part made David feel secure, just as a small child feels secure in the arms of his loving parents. David cherished this close relationship with Jehovah and strove to maintain it by thinking deeply about His works and by praying to Him. In fact, many of David's psalms--including Psalm 139--are essentially prayers set to music. Meditation and prayer can likewise help us draw close to Jehovah.

    relationships with Jehovah...draw close to Jehovah--where's Jesus?

    Did God see that David was going to set up the murder of one man and steal his wife?

    Q17) Being made in God's image, we are endowed with free will. We can choose to do good or to do bad. With that freedom comes moral accountability. David did not want to be classed with the wicked. (Psalm 139:19-22) He wanted to avoid making painful mistakes. Thus, upon contemplating Jehovah's all-encompassing knowledge, David humbly asked God to examine his innermost person and guide him in the way that leads to life,. God's righteous moral standards apply to everyone; so we too need to make right choices. Jehovah urges all of us to obey him. Doing so brings us his favor and many benefits (John 12:50; 1 Timothy 4:8) Walking with Jehovah day by day helps us to cultivate inner calm, even in the face of grievous problems.--Philippians 4:6,7.

    David chose bad--was God guiding him then?

    If these moral standards apply to everyone, why did David not lose his life as a murderer and an adulterer as the Law code proscribed? Were other Israelites having the punishment waived and was David "special" because he was king?

    Walking with Jehovah--aren't we supposed to follow Christ's footsteps closely.

    Follow Our Wonderful Maker!

    Q18) What did David conclude from his contemplation of creation? (what did he contemplate while watching another creation bathe, Bathsheba?)

    18) As a youth, David was often outside, shepherding the flocks. The sheep lowered their heads to graze, but he raised his eyes to the heavens. In the evening darkness, David reflected on the grandeur of the universe and what it all meant. "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and the work of his hands the expanse is telling," David wrote. "One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge." (Psalm 19:1,2) David understood that he needed to search for and follow the One who had made all things so wonderfully. We need to do likewise.

    follow the One--1 Peter 1:21--Follow Christ?!?

    Can one follow Jesus without following the WTS? No! per the WTS. So if you aren't a jw, you aren't a 'true' Christian.

    Q19) What lessons can young and old draw from being "wonderfully made"?

    19) David exemplified the counsel that his son Solomon later offered to young people: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood...Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:1,13) As a youth, David already discerned that he was "wonderfully made." Acting on this insight brought him great benefits throughout his life. If we, young and old, praise our Grand Creator, our present and future life will be delightful. Regarding those who stay close to Jehovah and live by his righteous ways, the Bible promises: "They will still keep on thriving during gray-headedness, fat and fresh they will ocntinue to be, to tell that Jehovah is upright." (Psalm 92:14,15) And we will have the hope of enjoying our Maker's wonderful works forever.

    And what happened after a 'promising' young manhood for Solomon, 1,000 wives and concubines, worshipping gods other than his father's god?

    CARROT: future life will be delightful...enjoying our Maker's wonderful works forever.

    Can You Explain?

    How does the way an embryo develops show that we are "wonderfully made"?
    Why should we meditate on Jehovah's thoughts?
    How are faith and our relationship with Jehovah linked?


    This is an opening article for next week "Jehovah Values Your Obedience." It will be interesting how they connect this article to obedience to God.

    We will soon be off to Texas and hopefully avoid all the water. Summer is flying fast, soon it will be August with 2 more fest scheduled.

    Love, Blondie

  • Arthur

    Are women made in God's image per the WTS or in man's image?

    "God must have been so disappointed in Adam - He made Eve so different." - Anonymous

  • Gopher


    Thanks again for posting this weekly inspection report !!

    So they're telling us that the reasons you should believe God made you are:

    1. Just think about it ! (But don't think too much, you might start to develop independence from the WTS)

    2. The Bible says so! (And David even might have known the inner workings of the kidneys!)

    -- Just think, they quoted from the ponderings of David, an adulterous, murderous and hedonistic leader of old Israel. OH yeah, he was the king - Jehovah gave him a free pass if only he'd say "sorry" and look sad, thus setting a proper example for all who face judicial commitees.

    Paragraph 15 made me sick:

    Q15) Illustrate how faith and our relationship with God are linked.

    I'm thinking what the hell -- why does this question even need to be asked. OK I'll take a shot: You have to have faith to imagine having a relationship with God. Going on...........

    15) Having faith involves more than merely acknowledging that life and the universe must have had an intelligent Source. It includes trusting in Jehovah God as a person--a person who wants us to get to know him and to maintain a good relationship with him. (James 4:8)

    Yeah Jehovah cares about us because the Bible says so - that proves it !! Seriously though, what has Jehovah done in concrete terms to help mankind in the last few centuries or more? Seems like he's been an absent landlord. If he had to turn in a service report to his earthly organization, he'd be marked as "inactive" and would have had a shepherding call by now.

    We might think of the faith and trust one has in a loving father (or mother?). If a skeptic questioned whether your father would really help you in a crisis, you might not be able to convince him that your father is trustworthy. If through experience you have accumulated evidence of your father's good character, however, you can be confident that he will not let you down.

    WHAT in the HELL kind of illustration is this? And why the needless sideswipe at skeptics? They are trying to downgrade any skepticism about whether God will help believers in a crisis, or even humankind in general.

    And what's this about "accumulating evidence of father's good character"??? Do young children keep a scorecard in their room somewhere, "Let's see -- daddy has done 7 good things this week, but 2 things I'm not so sure about. I hope he improves his score." COME ON. Young children are naturally drawn to their father (or mother). They imitate them and look up to them. Later they get independent, but still how does this illustration apply at any point? Whoever wrote this obviously is very detached from family life.

    Similarly, coming to know Jehovah by studying the Scriptures, contemplating creation, and experiencing his help in answer to our prayers moves us to trust in him. It makes us want to learn ever more about him and to praise him forever out of unselfish love and devotion. That is the most noble purpose that anyone can pursue.--Ephesians 5:1,2.

    If you study the Scriptures enough, you'll find Jehovah to be a mean-spirited cruel God in the Old Testament. Dash those children to pieces! You'll find he's a very jealous and unstable God. Unstable -- well he almost flushed the Israelite nation down the drain when after they set up idols while Moses was up in the mountain. Moses had to plead with this God to save his people.

    Contemplate the creation - yes there is beauty and functionality, and there is cruelty and dysfunctionality as well. Uncontrolled natural disasters take the lives of innocent ones, study nature and you will see this often. Experience answers to prayers -- in your dreams. If you have a vivid imagination, you will see what you want to see.

    "It makes us want to learn more about him" -- this is their pitch to draw people to THEIR organization as the only way to learn. Praise God forever -- why does God keep needing praise all the time? Is he that insecure? Wouldn't an occasional "thank you" suffice (if he is really there, and is loving kind and merciful)?

    Learning about God and praising him -- the most noble purpose? What about devoting yourselves to helping others here on earth whom you CAN see and need assistance? Volunteer, work to make the world a better place - be a helpful human. Don't just sit there and praise someone in the sky and think it's SO NOBLE.

  • BCberean

    I feel sooooo guilty....havn't read all of this thread yet...will do so after I finish being guilty...havn't read my watchtower lesson yet...didn't intend to

    You know what scares me....being 'out of the loop'...not having any current watchtowers

    Ok ...I've confessed....maybe now I can concentrate on this thread....will come back after I read it.

    ///////////////Whew...time for ANOTHER confession....couldn't 'do' this thread/////////////////

    sorry(I tried)

  • Gopher

    BC Berean --

    There's so much crap in the lesson, it's hard to get rid of it all with just one flush.

    That's why I just went after my least favorite paragraph. Blondie sure does a wonderful job breaking down the entire lesson.

  • BCberean

    Funny thing....I felt sooooo smart when I was active.....where did that go.....don't feel smart tonite for sure....

  • jgnat

    I have a question, Blondie. With all their talk of "imitating" Jehovah, do the JW's even believe that they can HAVE the mind of God? Or is that reserved for the exclusive Anointed?

  • greendawn

    Did any JWs die during the 13 years that the transplant ban was in place after abiding by it? Would anyone disobeying it and getting DFed receive apologies and a restauration of his/her reputation after the FDS admitted that his interpetation of the scriptures was woefully in error causing perhaps the death of naive JWs that got misguided by it?

    As usually the WT articles are subtly manipulative, they cunningly introduce ideas, furtively by implication rather than in a direct fashion and aim at keeping the R&F under the morbid spell of the FDS. They refer to the R&F as Christians but following the teachings of the FDS makes them anything but Christian.

  • bobld

    Thanks, for the review Blondie

    Just some of my thoughts on this rag.

    God's creative works: Earth man's home.faulty foundation ie earthequakes...Free will why flood. Animals why was David watching the sheep no foxes or wolves around.


  • blondie

    BTW, Blondie never reads the study article at one sitting. Can't choke down that much bs. Good comments. Re jgnat's question: The WTS teaches that no one can ever completely know the mind of God because he is a spirit but that Jesus was once a man on earth and we have a record of his earthly life that we can relate to. Can anyone completely know the mind of any individual? Even our own? Now that is a philosophy question.


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