Great Post on Cognitive Dissonance

by Shepherd Book 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Parakeet- Hey, how's my favorite species of bird doing? Glad you liked my friend's post. Yes, life is better away from the core much more serenity now!

    Uninformed- Wow, that's an amazing story. Glad to hear (most of) your kids have followed suit. You wrote to the Society and they didn't answe your questions? Hmm...sounds fishy to me. Did they just not respond at all, or was their response vague or evasive?

    I enjoyed reading your examples about organizational changes. So, essentially, if I had claimed back in 60s that the "Truth" book contained errors, I would have been counseled for saying such things. Yet, by the 80s, the Society had to update the "Truth" book. So, I would have been correct all along. Crazy.

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