Interesting Sociology assignment

by journey-on 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    You make a good point, JeffT.

    This class WAS a Sociology class and not a political science nor religious studies class. It was designed to get us thinking about what's wrong in society and even if we had the power to "fix" things we see that need to be fixed, everything else would be affected in some way. So, the plan has to take this into consideration.

  • Who are you?
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    A national big brother/sister nation.....Mandatory volunteering of, lets say 8 hours a month to assist the less can be through education, helping start businesses,the arts, environmental, meals on wheels etc...More could be accomplished through people helping each other, rather than having the government throw a bunch of money at it.

  • journey-on

    Changeling.....let me clarify that this Benevolent Dictator is for our country only, not the world. Would you still outlaw all war regardless of reason and circumstance? Just asking out of interest. Remember, everything affects everything else in some way.

  • JeffT
    Mandatory volunteering

    A perfect example of what I was talking about. "Everything not forbidden is compulsory"

  • journey-on


    My paper included a variation of what you are talking about. I addressed forms of money or compensation, however, in the ways I would implement this "mandatory volunteering" method. Go a little further with your idea and show us how this "problem" of compensating volunteers could work.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    A perfect example of what I was talking about. "Everything not forbidden is compulsory"

    So stated on purpose...I liked the ring of those two words together. Mandatory volunteering ...there is no such thing.....poking fun of myself...thanks for appreciating it

  • Who are you?
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    Journey...conceptually I meant that the true citizens of the world have it right....i.e. Bill Gates with his international means developing his idea of "giving back".

    I was being silly with Mandatory...what I should have said is....become a nation that gives any way one can...but give back something

  • journey-on

    Who Are You

    I think "mandatory volunteering" could be a new concept. In my idea, money was eliminated and people were "paid" based on their worth to society. When the exchange from money to personal credits went into effect, you were given "credits". Just like now, most of us never see cash. We use check cards for everything, pay our bills online, and use debit cards at the check out counter. Our hard currency is never seen. Heck, our paychecks are automatically deposited even.

    So, in my scenario, all your assets were turned into personal credits. If you had no assets, you had to be evaluated to see what your worth to society is and based on your personal talents and abilities, you were automatically allowed so many credits. In order to "earn" additional credits, you could do "volunteer" work. I had a whole gamut of work duties and what they could be worth in credits.

    No body's innate talents went to waste. In society today, you could have great talent at something, but it dies on the vine because your parents can't afford to develop and nurture it. You may have a talent for music, but it takes $$ to develop it.

    I loved this assignment because you actually GOT TO USE YOUR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS!!! Oh no...WTB&TS!

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    I like it!!! I enjoy the completely out of the box approach. Most impressive! Its like a clean slate. A redefining of what matters....everyone is involved and independant. I'm guessing that no credit is given for unneccessary whining?

  • greendawn

    Improve greatly public transport so that the use of cars will be minimised and therefore the pollution that they cause. Promote organic farming to minimise the use of pesticides and antibiotics on food. Improve people's diet by doing away with most if not all synthetic additives.

    Promote the culture of the spirit by educating people from a very young age to follow it.

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