Today I learned not to be afraid to be called Atheist

by Gopher 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shawn10538

    I have far more respect for atheists than I do for all those Bible thumping Jesus freaks. That's why I am an atheist. ATHEISTS ROCK!!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    Welcome to reality Gopher.

  • Gopher

    Hortensia -- that's probably why I didn't come out and say I was an atheist, because of prejudice against it. The reason I came out of the atheist closet (to borrow a phrase) was to feel like I can take my place in a group of skeptics (such as the group whose meeting I attended), and also because the more who can come out and say what they really are be a positive presence in their community, the sooner the stigma will go away. Maybe not soon, but someday.

    Shawn10538 - There are extremists on both sides, but one difference is this: religious hardliners believe it is their job to save people (as you alluded to). Atheists don't hold any such pretension.

    Nvrgnbk - Are you a fellow Pastafarian?

  • nvrgnbk
    Nvrgnbk - Are you a fellow Pastafarian?

    Sometimes Carbonara, sometimes a nice clam and shrimp garlic sauce. MMMMMMMMMMMM!

  • 5go

    In regards to the topic. Why I call myself an athiest is simply lack of proof, proving gods existance as currently defined by mankind.

    Some one will just have to find a way to prove that god exists scientificaly. Then I will follow god if I agree with his views on things.

  • nvrgnbk

    Is that you Gopher?

  • Gopher

    Nvrgnbk - That is just wrong, on so many levels.

    Looking back maybe my beliefs ran along the lines of a "JW non-Christian".

  • DJK

    Great thread Gopher.

    I have never been afraid to be called Atheist. When the question arises I will, without reservation, state I am Atheist.

    To me Atheism is not a lack of belief, it IS a belief, all of it's own.


  • Gopher


    Please clarify the part about atheism being a belief. To me the word atheism means "without belief in a god".

    As to what an atheist actually believes, it seems other terms are more descriptive, such as secular humanist, rationalist, skeptic - that sort of thing. Atheists have a parallel positive belief in humanity and logic. Some people at the Atheist meeting I attended were wearing T-shirts that said "Minnesota positive atheists" or something like that.

  • Hortensia

    I like "positive atheist" much better than "secular humanist."

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