Should Jehovah’s Witnesses Be Held Responsible For Shunning?

by The wanderer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Another Perspective: Should Jehovah’s Witnesses Be Held Responsible For Shunning?

    Looking back to the time of which when I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    I recall my viewpoint about apostates—I despised them thoroughly. And,
    why not? TheWatchtower called for shunning all of those who rejected God’s

    Recalling my first encounters with apostates at assemblies slovenly dressed
    with cardboard placards scribbled with what looked like crayola crayons
    condemning the Watchtower Society was all the evidence that was needed
    to draw a conclusion about them.

    The Age Of Enlightenment

    Today, my viewpoint about “apostates” has changed because of the evidence
    they have supplied regarding the Watchtower Society’s practices governing all
    manners of life.

    Take both viewpoints, the first one of being back in your Jehovah’s Witness
    mind-set and your present more enlightened mindset and answer whether
    or not:

    “Should Jehovah’s Witnesses be held responsible for shunning?”


    The Wanderer

  • Anti-Christ

    Just read my new topic, and you tell me.

  • IP_SEC


    When you join the club you know the consequences for leaving or breaking their rules. Take responsibility for joining up in the first place.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear AC:

    I have read your thread regarding being shunned. True,
    your father crossed over a line he should not have.

    However, I had the same "brainwashing" ideology as he
    did at one time. Is he completely at fault? I would
    say no based on my experiences.

    The Watchtower Society has an expertise in formulating
    a person's opinion's and outlook.



  • Anti-Christ
    Take responsibility for joining up in the first place

    What about the ones who are borne and raised?

  • Anti-Christ
    The Watchtower Society has an expertise in formulating
    a person's opinion's and outlook.

    Ok I get what your saying and we are saying about the same thing. NO the members are not "totally" responsible but the leaders are.

  • Hortensia

    What do you mean by being "held responsible?" Do you mean in court? Or, taking personal responsibility rather than saying, as the Nazis did, "I was just following orders?" The organization is the most at fault, it is a cult with very powerful mind control techniques, of which shunning is just one. The members are brainwashed; when they wake up, as we all did, they will regret their actions in shunning people who were really deserving of compassion and help.

  • IP_SEC
    Take responsibility for joining up in the first place
    What about the ones who are borne and raised?

    What AC you mean like a 5th gen witness like me? Ya even born and raised ins.

    Its about taking ownership of your life and destiny. That can never be done if one whallows and whines about their lot in life. About who does and doesnt talk to them. There are a lot of people in life that wont talk to me. I've been writing Angelina for years lol and the beotch wont write me back?????? What makes her not talking to me any different than my *insert family member here* not talking to me? Because we happen to have similar genetic code? You wont catch me losing any sleep over it.

  • flipper

    Damned right they should be held responsible. It goes totally against natural human affection which should be shown to family and friends. Sorry, there is no debate about this, no 2 ways of looking at it, it's just plain wrong and evil!!! Need any clarification? Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Wanderer..Yes individual Jehovah`s Witness`s should be responsible for their own actions!..You can`t blame the Buddhists!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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