Would life be better if we all had to follow the same religion/creed?

by fifi40 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40

    I am not talking any particular religion here.........but just say the 'perfect creed'.............and we all have to follow it.

  • ithinkisee

    If we were all the same religion the same problems would emerge.

    Eventually one group would end up being more conservative and taking a "hard line" on the rules of the religion, and another group would be more "liberal".

    It would start out as friendly differences but eventually one will be accused of trying to tear apart the religion and (and probably vice-versa) and each side would say they are on the side of God.

    Then one group would leave and make a "reformed" version of the religion, and then those two religions will now go at it and try and discredit the other.

    Eventually the new protestant faith would then have two groups form, one conservative, the other liberal, and the whole cycle starts all over again.

    During this whole process each side will feel they are the ones who are worshipping God in the same way.

    Sad really. What religion does. Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Islam, Jews, it doesn't matter. They have all been party to vicious "faith-based" slaughter and killing and greed and divisiveness throughout human history.


  • changeling

    You mean like the paradise earth JW's preach?

  • Zico

    I don't know about better, but it would be a lot less interesting, that's for sure.

  • changeling

    Thought control and repression is what that fosters. People have different personalities, taste, intersts... to homogonize them into a group that thinks and acts alike kills the human spirit.

    Only if everyone lived by the law of kindness would we have true unity. It would take eons of evolution to reach that point, if ever.


  • jaguarbass

    I dont think so. What would perfection be? It didnt work in the garden of Eden. God, the angles, the humans were all perfect and now we have the mess we have today.

  • Hortensia

    we would all "have to" follow it - there's the problem. People should have the freedom to believe or not to believe.

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