Why we are in Iraq? (History of oil)

by IP_SEC 15 Replies latest social current

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I know what capitalists stand for one thing gaining profit from others

    Umm, capitalists stand for earning money. Socialists stand for taking money from some and giving it to others. You're confusing ideologies.

  • frankiespeakin

    The US and others who make up the coalitions forces are in Iraq for the oil. Think about it if Iraq main exportable product was potates, do you think the US would invade it? Iraq is just the first of middle east countries it plans on invading, the US has the biggest military in the history of the world with hundreds of bases all around the world, this is at a huge finacial cost, and huge profits for big buisness, it is the worlds greatest supper power, it didn't get that way by being squeamish about shedding innocent blood, when it comes to its imperialistic goals.


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Frankie I'm not going to steal your thunder or go toe to toe on every point...but I think it is important for you to understand the philosophy behind the ongoing BRAC program http://www.defenselink.mil/brac/

    Another rudimentary explanation here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_Realignment_and_Closure

    During the cold war we had 500,000 or more troops over in Europe, mostly Germany....the latest round of BRAC cuts, which Rumsfeld was brought into head, will eliminate most (not all, but most) military bases in Germany. We went to war during the midst of massive drawdowns.

    A lot of the current Armed Services and especially the National Guard units resources are depleted. It will take massive amounts of money to get them reoutfitted, even if the war stopped tomorrow.

    We are not in a position to be taking over, or gearing up to take over anything right now....

  • hillary_step


    Capitalists should desire "nothing" and labour for it?

    I have noticed that whenever you discuss Socialism and Communism you always illustrate not the ideology but the practical reality of these ideologies, but when you discuss Captalism you discuss not the practical reality, but the ideology.

    Compare the ideologies, and I think Socialism has distinct advantages for the human race, while Capitalism has a distinct advantage for part of the human race.


  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I'm always irked by people on various international sites I am a part of, who imply or outrate state that the US went to war strictly for oil. I am not naive enough to think it played NO part, but I always like to point out to such individuals the following things:

    Gas in my area was about $1.05 just prior to 9/11. I bought gas a couple days ago, it was $2.70; where's all this oil we got? Supply and demand says that if there were more oil now, it should be CHEAPER... so where is my .75 cent gas? I could sure use it, being a pizza delivery driver.

    The war has seen thousands of air support missions...each fighter jet carries and burns about 10,000 gallons, I believe...anybody care to find the figures for this supposed ill-gotten oil, and compare it to the amount of oil EXPENDED in the Iraq campaign? This point is no doubt related to my first point.

    According to this site, the USAF uses roughly 7 million gallons of aviation fuel per DAY, and spent 5.8 billion dollars on fuel alone in 2006. Aviation fuel is highly refined, volatile stuff. I have no idea how many gallons of it can be obtained from 1 barrel of oil, but I'm betting the ratio is not good:


  • IP_SEC

    Hi allalongthe.

    Did you watch the presentation? I dont think you would have made the comment you just made. The presentation was about NOT US oil supply, but rather the devastating impact of the oil cartel's descisions to use the Euro instead of the Dollar to trade oil.

    I realize it can be a wearying subject. That's why I posted this movie because it is presented in an entertaining way.


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