For your enjoyment!

by watson 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    For the large Army of our valued sisters!!! A Large Army One lazy summer day I sought the shade of an oak tree, And just as I began to doze, something awakened me. It sounded kind of like a drum; the ground below shook, too. And in the distant horizon, a woman came in view. But wait, there's another woman, and another at her heels. One woman became hundreds, thousands, it simply was unreal! On their heads were helmets; they carried shields of faith. Breastplates covered up their hearts, well girded were their waists. An iron sword they each possessed, held tightly in their palms. Could this be the army of women prophesied in Psalms? Their eyes were fixed straightforward; they marched in perfect time. Then I recognized some of their faces! Yes, these were sisters of mine! See there that single sister...Satan really put her to the test! And though it wasn't by choice, she accepted the gift of singleness. And there, that older sister, though her husband doesn't believe, You'll find her out in service, every morning, noon and eve. My sister here lost her husband, in death, yet she marches through her trial. 'He's just on an extended vacation', she says, 'just resting for awhile.' My sister there lost her husband when he simply went AWOL. He dropped his sword mid-battle, yet she keeps marching tall. Oh yes, and there's my sister with her young ones single file. She keeps the family marching while her husbands on the front lines. This sister here never misses a step! Her life must be ideal, But the things she experiences behind closed doors she'll never reveal. Yes, despite all of these challenges, the women march on strong. The old, the young, the strong, the weak, they all keep trudging along. And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to my face. 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no time left to waste!' 'Here, take this sword and take this shield, this breastplate you must wear.' 'We cannot rest until the good news is preached everywhere!' And so I found my place in line, no time left to debate. Now that I see the urgency, my sleep would have to wait. No time for insecurities, no time left to shrink back. Just time to get this preaching done, Satan's missiles to attack! So next time you sit down to rest, or get the urge to snooze, Or if you start to tire out while preaching the good news, Look to your left and to your right, and surely you'll be strengthened. Rejoice and thank Jehovah for his great army of women!

  • brinjen
  • GetBusyLiving
    And though it wasn't by choice, she accepted the gift of singleness.

    Sister Old Maid : "But I don't want this gift Jewhorevah."

    Jewhorevah : "I said TAKE IT!!"


  • RunningMan

    The poetry is also pretty bad. Most elementary students could put together better technical poetry.

  • DJK

    This sister here never misses a step! Her life must be ideal, But the things she experiences behind closed doors she'll never reveal

    Until she catches hubby choking his chicken and then goes to the elders.

    There is still something missing. Oh yes, enjoyment!

  • alphafemale

    How do they think these up? I feel really quite unwell after reading that.

  • Dragonlady76

    That's some awful poetry.

  • Hortensia

    wasn't that around years ago? Puke-making.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I don't like being called "sister" to JW'ish

    As for the poem


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    And then, like lightening, one of them stepped right up to my face. 'How dare you rest!' she said to me. 'There's no time left to waste!' Her sudden movement startled me and made me start to twitch I grabbed her hair and yelled, "Get out of my face, you stupid bitch!" Cog is a poet too! (sorry, couldn't resist!)

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