I could have prevented this.

by DJK 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK
    How horrible for all involved, but no way was it your fault. The deer probably cross there all the time.

    Hello Tara. The area around 495 and 95 are heavily populated with deer. They do cross there often. Massachusettes overall is overpopulated with deer. Growing up we would have to do some traveling to see a deer and to see one would be a rare opportunity. Nowadays they walk into our backyard and eat our shrubs. You probably have that in your area. With fawns coming out of hiding now, I hope a scene like this one isnt repeated. I'm watching NECN and so far there is no report on it. I hope no one was killed. Still looking forward to meeting you. DJK

  • DJK
    I would suggest you give up smoking, though.

    Lol Nathan. Lord know's(if there is one)I have tried.

  • PEC

    Did you bring home the roadkill for dinner?

    You couldn't have done anything, probably someone talking on a cell phone when the deer crossed.



    I live in the Wilderness..There is nothing you could have done to Prevent this!..Nothing!!..Get out of your vehicle and chase that one away.There will be 50 more to take it`s place..Deer are stupid..Theres a dead deer here probably everyday,down on the Highway..Dusk and Dawn is the worst part of the day.Deer hide in the shadows and jump out whenever the mood strikes them...OUTLAW

  • Warlock


    No matter where you live, there could be particular hazards that you need to be aware of, or at least you should be.

    Out here in California, it's not deer, it's other humans.

    People out here hate gridlock, but it's a good thing, considering that when it's an open freeway, people drive like they are possesed.

    Don't feel guilty. There is nothing you could have done.


  • Mum

    If only I had . . . . .

    All of us have said this, but if we had made an alternate choice, would the result have been what we think it would have been? There is no way to know.

    You acted according to your best judgment, which is all any human being can do.



  • nvrgnbk

    Don't feel guilty.

    Jehovah saw the deer and He didn't stop the accident either.

  • bikerchic

    Don't feel guilty.

    Jehovah saw the deer and He didn't stop the accident either.

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't feel guilty.

    Jehovah saw the deer and He didn't stop the accident either.

    Did I say something wrong?

  • JWdaughter

    I am so feeling for you right now. We once saw a mommy and baby deer on the road and I was telling my husband to honk(to scare them away) and when he wouldn't, I reached over to honk and before I could scare them back into the woods, the baby was run into by a car coming over a rise ( I knew it would happen). We were at a side road at the stop sign and the main road was kind of busy and people drove too fast. Poor mommy deer was so confused, baby was rescued by a person in the neighborhood who actually worked in a sanctuary. Saw it with my kids, it was horrible. We have a lot of deer around here-and my husband actually ran into one on the freeway that just leaped from the trees into our path. Scared the pee out of me ashe windshield broke and I nearly had the deer in my lap!)

    Don't torment yourself-the If it was that much later and people were still screaming, it was a new set of deer or they hung out on the side for awhile anyhow. This isn't your fault. It is tragic and horrible, and that is enough to feel awful about. You could not have prevented it.

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